February 28th, 2008

05:31 pm
[info]dim_of_the_yard: RiffTrax Takes On... Politics!

Tired of seeing all these fancy commercials advertising presidential hopefuls that you know you will never be able to afford? Have the primaries exposed you to so much mudslinging that you want nothing more than to take a hot bath? Has all of the political flipflopping and loopholes left you wondering which way is up? (Here's a hint: ^^^ ) Are you so lost in these elections that you're prepared to write in Homer Simpson as president, rather than to put up with all of this craziness? Are you mad, insane, and just can't take it anymore?

Ladies and gentlemen, RiffTrax has the answers!

RiffTrax has done the digging and presented the REAL issues that our candidates are gunning for! They have uncovered the truth about everybody* in the political race and has presented the cold hard facts to you, dear MST3k fans, in six easy to digest YouTube videos! Everything from Blu-Ray to Baconators is covered, and the truth about these campaigns may shock and offend you!** So if you need a reason to vote--or not vote--for somebody in this coming election, then look no further than RiffTrax's FREE videos on the presidential elections!

Just follow the Yellow Brick Road! Or... you know, the hyperlink. Whichever comes first.

*Ron Paul not included. Some assembly required.
**Claims of offense within these videos is merely a clever use of hyperbole.