March 26th, 2008

[info]ladyrhyanne in [info]mpreg

Fic: But Her Eyes Will Shine With Innocence

Title: But Her Eyes Will Shine With Innocence
Author: [info]ladyrhyanneCharacter/Pairing: Sam/Dean, Bobby, Jo, Meg, Crossroads Demon (Supernatural)
Rating: R o rlight N/C17 (check warning)
Word Count: 24,637 (total)
Spoilers: Well known facts from Season 1, Crossroad Blues, BUABS and a tiny nod to AHBL pt. 2 but blink and you'll miss it.
Warnings: Mpreg, Incest, Swearing, Het non-con, Blasphemous ideas
Disclaimer: Don't own - just playing in somebody else's sandbox.
Summary: Someone makes a deal and Sam ends up pregnant.  Dean does not accept this well causing Sam to bolt.
A/N 1: This was my Secret Santa fic written back in Dec. 07 for wickednight at Winchester Mpreg on LJ.
        2: Some towns mentioned in this fic are real, some not so much.
        3: I'm from Canada so really I have no idea about the miles, travel times and Grey Hound schedules in the States - we all have to pretend okay?
        4: The Latin Dean recites in this fic are phrases I made up in English then used an online translator to translate them into Latin.  For a translation back to English see the end of the fic.
        5: As stated in the warnings above, there is non-con but it's light.  I also get blasphemous.  If you read and don't like don't come back yelling at me.  You were warned twice.
        6: I screwed with canon timeline!  In this fic BUABS come BEFORE Crossroad Blues - it was done purposely for my own nefarious plans.

Part 1

*Parts all linked at bottom of previous part.*

September 2011

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