January 22nd, 2016



Radio spam (though locked section locked to Scott)

[Locked to Scott]
Scott don't be mad, I went into the maze, after breakfast, and no sign of anything larger than rabbits out there.  How far were you and Thomas in when you were attacked?  Don't worry I'm not looking for it to actually attack it or anything, I mean there are throwing knives here, but I'm really horrible with my aim.  They're weighted wrong for accuracy.  Though I'm probably going to go try hunting sometime with Katniss, maybe I'll get better at it.

[She's turned the device so the video's showing the bed and not her, though she does shift on the bed, showing her ankle's a little swollen, without realizing it.  There's also some quick sketches she did of the maze, trying to map it out, which is probably what she intended to show.] 

Though to be honest I think I only got a little way in.  It's tougher than it looks from the windows on the upper floors.  I've been up there trying to map it out from the windows, but, something's weird about it.  I don't think it's really changing, but my sketches never seem to match up. 

[Open to everyone]
[Rayan's left her com on after talking with Scott without meaning to.  It's facing the ceiling but in the background you can hear her singing softly to herself.  She's actually not that bad, not amazingly great.  She comes into view fully dressed but a towel's wrapped around her head like she just washed it.] 

Damn thought I turned that off.  Sorry!