January 11th, 2016



[No Subject]

[Spam for Alex Deveraux -- Roommate]

[Thomas still feels vaguely disoriented after talking to the strange clerk at the front desk. He doesn't have a good feeling about him in the same way he didn't have a good feeling about Janson when he'd pulled Thomas into that room to talk to him before the scorch. But like then, right now there isn't much choice for what he can do here. He's dirty, hungry, and tired. Those three things aren't a good combination for clear thinking, so instead of trying to escape, he heads to his assigned room. 211.

He makes his way up the stairs and down the hallway, pausing in front of the door labeled 211 and using the key to unlock it. He pauses just inside when he spots someone else already there, another boy. He recognizes him as the one who was freaking out on the cable car.]

I guess we're roommates.

[Spam -- OTA]

[After he's had a bite to eat and slept for a few hours, Thomas makes his way out of the room and down the hall, looking around curiously and making note of the others that he sees. Of the differences in each level of the motel -- there isn't much that distinguishes one from another save the numbers on the doors.

He wants to get the hell out of here and figure out how to find his friends and rescue Minho. He can be found at various times exploring the motel's various locations: the bar, the lobby, the various floors, the library, the ballroom, and finally, outside the front of the motel, and later outside in the back where he find himself standing in front of a giant maze.]