Nos Morituri: OOC community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Nos Morituri: OOC community

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[04 Aug 2016|09:57pm]
Welcome to the 37th annual Hunger Games Sponsorship prompt meme.

The way it works is that each prompt you write a narrative or short thread satisfying is worth 25 credits for your district in the Sponsor Till for the first week of the games. Each Mentor, Victor, Stylist, and Escort can submit up to ten prompts (the 7 on the table and up to three additional district numbers performed with someone from those districts).

These can be used to establish backstory or ties from previous games, fill in backstory from your victor's games and Victory Tour, or even up to preparing for the 37th Games' Reaping! It's up to you. Prompts can be posted in the IC community [info]nosmorituri, just be sure to label when they're happening (and your Prompt) and tables will be submitted at the same time as Tribute Pre-Game activity.

prompt table )

[ viewing | August 4th, 2016 ]
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