Montgolfier's Folly OOC's Journal
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Saturday, July 24th, 2010

    Time Event
    Hi, there! Me again.

    Just one more note on Lucifer: In an attempt to better represent how he is in the comics, I'm trying to kinda sorta recreate the font used for his speech. It's not exact but this is the font I'll be using (link is to a free download). It's not a font most people have on their computers, so you'd have to download it for it to show up properly. It's totally not necessary, but I think it makes it a little fun. :)

    ETA: adding this here so as not to completely flood the comm with posts...

    Is anyone here gifted with Photoshop? I'd like to tweak a few icons for Lucifer's account, but I'm kind of hopeless with it.
    Another mod post!
    So after talking about it, we have actually made tags for the main comm. Yay! I am going ot go back and tag past posts, but please be aware for future posts that you should add tags to it.

    There is a tag for every character as well as for when it is open to all (ota) if you are closing the post to one person, please add their name otherwise use OTA and we will try to add everyone that is in the thread in later.

    Thanks! And back to your regularly scheduled playing.

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