Montgolfier's Folly OOC's Journal
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Thursday, July 8th, 2010

    Time Event
    OH HAI

    since i don't know all of you yet, i figured i would say hi, here, and do a little bit of an informal meme getting to know you kinda thing. feel free to follow suit, or not, but as i've only played with two of you before, it'd be great if you did!

    the person pulling dean winchester's strings )

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Please allow me to introduce myself
    Stolen from Copying Lauren since she's the only person I know here - despite my efforts to get other friends to join :'( (believe me, I'm not giving up yet!). ANYWAY, here we go:

    if they don't put me away/it'd be a miracle )

    Current Mood: awake
    Jumping on the bandwagon
    Get to know me better. )
    Just a quick note to say that I'm working the next 4 days straight, prepping for sale, so if I miss any tags it's because I'm braindead and what little thinking power I have left is absorbed in children's clothing. I'll be better from Tuesday. :D

    FUN TIMES IN RETAIL. *sarcastic thumbs up*

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