Wednesday, September 26th, 2012


i know, it's a little early


favorite halloween costumes*, go.

*it can be something you have worn or would like to wear. not judging or anything.

personally, i just like any excuse to break out the black lipstick. problem?
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It's occurred to me, with everything we've all had to deal with lately, that there are so many people on campus who I just don't know as well as I'd like, and that saddens me. Since I'm not sure who all knows this, I'm Genevieve Jones, but I'm also Eve. Yes, of the 'got herself and Adam kicked out of the Garden' Eve.

Now that you know that, would anyone be interested in doing a little dinner party or potluck thing? It could be a good way for all of us to get to know each other, whether we're students or teachers, and maybe we could even try and figure out what's been going on in this crazy town.
mood: contemplative
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Tuesday, September 18th, 2012


I don't know what's gotten into people lately, but I don't really like it. I'm not certain as to why, but I've gotten a lot of rather [...] crude comments aimed at me recently. Mostly about my body, but there have been others that were of a graphically descriptive nature. One man was talking about things I had no idea someone could, or would, do to another person.

I'd just really like it to stop, please.
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Sunday, September 16th, 2012

[a little while after this]




I don't care how dopey you think it is. Today, I hugged a puppy. Those fuckers have been known for trying to bite my face off. Ravenously.

You probably don't understand. I don't care if you don't understand. I can talk without worrying about screaming, i don't feel anyone anymore-

i'm okay. i feel okay, at least. a bit. sort of. i don't know. they're still in my head. they're still in my head.

i miss my voice a bit.


No, I don't know how. I just want to be around one of you. For like, five minutes. It would make me gleeful as fuck. I could totally touch one of you without feeling it burn in my-
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So to get my mind off the fact that for some reason I'm not a living sound system, and because I just like music in general...

Give me a number between 1 and 7933, and I'll upload, or link the song that corresponds with that number. Hell, give me 2 or even 3 numbers if you want.
(16 comments | Leave a comment)


What do you call a powerless reincarnate? Loony? All the memories and no way to back them up.

What if we have been hallucinating all this while and now that we are free from whatever weird drug they put on the water we're realizing we are all just...a bit touched in the head.

I mean, I don't think that's the case but it never hurts to think about it. What if...
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Saturday, September 15th, 2012




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Thursday, September 13th, 2012

let's talk about poems, please.

i like them. the way the words move in them. (phrasing, and whatever.)

song lyrics, too. but i like

seeing them.

share some with me? i'll trade you-

your favorites for mine.
(17 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

So...we're not going to get raided again right?


I really didn't come here to get into more trouble that I already am. I mean the people in charge here won't allow it right?

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4~ pheme has issues with her abilities

Being able to hear, read, and see everything within a certain radius can be really frickin' annoying sometimes, especially when you can't block it out.

Anyone else got problem abilities like that?
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Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

my parents have been freaking out over the riots ever since they got wind of it. especially my mom. i tried to make them feel better by telling them i pretty much just bunnied my way through it all, but i don't think that helped.

i told her i wasn't transferring, though. i mean, it's not like the school got taken over by death eaters.

[FILTER: Chang'e]
probably a long shot, but by any chance would you happen to have a rocket in this life? i miss the moon
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Monday, September 10th, 2012

Izanami is frustrated

What I would say is the most frustrating aspect of the riots is not the violence or the vitriol, though they are frightening by themselves, but the ignorance. Representative Jackson's words had nothing to do with science or reason and everything to do with the same old fear-mongering and righteousness of those in power.

I would suggest all politicians take a look at their words, compare the speeches they give about incarnates to other groups we've discriminated against and examine how few differences there are in the rhetoric.

In order to understand prejudice, we have to study people. One way researchers today are doing just that is through Project Implicit.

"Project Implicit represents a collaborative research effort between researchers at Harvard University, the University of Virginia, and University of Washington. While the particular purposes of each study vary considerably, most studies available at Project Implicit examine thoughts and feelings that exist either outside of conscious awareness or outside of conscious control. The primary goals of Project Implicit are to provide a safe, secure, and well-designed virtual environment to investigate psychological issues and, at the same time, provide visitors and participants with an experience that is both educational and engaging."

One test you could take in order to identify your preferences is focused on the 2012 Presidential Election. The interpretations this survey makes about your answers may surprise you.

(ooc: edit!)
[Filtered to Durga]
I had a lovely time at Rasika. I hope you like the gift card to Muddy Waters Coffee - it was a last-minute gift, but hopefully you can find yourself a little something there.
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I've got a dilemma, and I need someone smart or with medical knowledge to solve a problem for me. I've got a nasty headache, and I'm not sure what I can take for it. I've got ibuprofen and acetaminophen, so which is safe? I wouldn't want to die so soon after getting back on my feet, you know?

Doctor says I have to avoid strenuous activity for at least a month thanks to these fucking headaches. Sorry. I'll find some way to be useful. Here's hoping you all ended up in better condition than I did.

How you holding up?

How'd you end up making out?

Hey, this is kinda awkward, but I miss you had a dream about you ended up mentioning that we used to date to that Eric kid. Publicly. But uh, I said nice shit about your hair, so I wanted you to know that I meant it, even if it was sappy and I was drunk. Yeah... anyway, hope you're alright.

You wanna go see a movie or something? I'm bored.
(137 comments | Leave a comment)

Fuck. That was all, like, really really shitty. I'm still all fucking angry about it. Ugh, like, how was any of that even okay? How were they able to, y'know, justify all of that stupid fucking dumbassery in their heads? Whatever. They're the ignorant jerks who have to cope with having attacked a bunch of innocent people.

And I'm the badass chick demanding capes, drinks and [...] stuff. Who wants to go on a mind-altered adventure with me? I promise I won't get lost this time. Sorry Jon
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Saturday, September 8th, 2012

嗳! m o n t e n e g r o~ i think i have started all of my entries this way. maybe i should work on a new way to say what's up? but why fix it if it isn't broken too? huhuhu~ (´・ω・`) i have a couple scrapes from the past~ few~ days~ but they got another thing coming if they think something like this will keep me from going on! they can't keep the great H A T H O R down! (*≧▽≦)

maybe we should do something to get everyone's spirits up? maybe a dance! or a party~ i heard someone was going to throw one. ☆ミ(o*・ω・) of course i will be there!

private to egyptian pantheon.

sleepover soon? maybe this friday if it is not the day of the party!

OSIRIS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BRINGING THE BEER! you are too kind to volunteer~

and set, thanks for offering up your place ♥

private to amatsu-mikaboshi.

let's go out tonight.
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[filtered away from admin/staff]

a therapist once told me

"you need to get in touch with yourself"

so i tried it. and all i ended up doing
was screeching at people in languages that don't exist anymore
and trying to gouge out their eyeballs.

ps. it was worth it. except for the part where someone kind of sort of broke my nose.

also, i'm not sorry. about the screaming. or the potential eyeball gouging. #yolo? #sorryforpartyrocking?


you still okay?
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Wednesday, September 5th, 2012

[Filtered to Cyrus]

I haven't heard anything from you. I checked all the boards. Are you dead?

[Filtered to Carlile]

I haven't seen you in the dorms. You didn't go out there, did you? Are you okay? I'm sorry.

[Filtered to Cousins]

If any of you do something stupid and die, I refuse to attend your funeral(s).

[Filtered to Friends]

How is everyone?
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Monday, September 3rd, 2012

3~ pheme is a conspiracy theorist

So... anyone want to start taking bets on how long it'll take for townspeople to start cracking and attempting to capture an incarnate to sell to the highest bidder?
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Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

[war : audio post | filtered from staff/admin.]

[Posted a little after this.]

[Legion doesn't say anything. For a moment, it seems like just a repeat of the audio of the speech, a little distorted, perhaps, by subpar recording equipment.

And then something vaguely musical kicks in, layered overtop of the speech, though not enough to drown it out. It's not Legion's voice singing anything, but a simple playing of the first verse of Let's Have a War.

A coincidence between our mp3 player and tonight's little-

[Nothing else is said. He doesn't further explain himself, but he does laugh, his voice low, and multitudinous.]
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Saturday, August 25th, 2012


I scared the shit out of some poor telemarketer this morning. I don't know, it was like 3AM, and my cell phone went off, and I kind of sort of answered it like- well:

[Embedded here is a recording of your run of the mill terrifying demonic scream.]

that. SO.

I don't think we'll be doing business.

Anyway. Does anyone else have little abilities and things that they don't have control over? The voice thing- sometimes I can focus enough to keep it from happening. Sometimes I- well, can't. Especially if I'm distracted. or sleeping.

fun times, being a reincarnate. really. I- also can't really control the fact that animals can't stand me.

fuq the what.
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