Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

still with you )

Last week was absolutely exhausting. I could seriously cry. Like, having people being happy and awake and chipper around you is totally unpleasant and I'd rather die a few thousand times than deal with it again.

People are sooooo hyperrrrr. I'm just not used to that. I mean, how many fucks could you possibly give in a 9AM lecture?

I'm pretty sure I just hate excitement. And paying attention. Taking notes. Homework. Lecturesss. Whatever. ♥

Oh, and if anyone has any clover honey in their pantry / fridge / whatever, I will totally worship you if you let me borrow it.
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Tuesday, September 18th, 2012


I don't know what's gotten into people lately, but I don't really like it. I'm not certain as to why, but I've gotten a lot of rather [...] crude comments aimed at me recently. Mostly about my body, but there have been others that were of a graphically descriptive nature. One man was talking about things I had no idea someone could, or would, do to another person.

I'd just really like it to stop, please.
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Saturday, September 15th, 2012

[video : like a boy.]

[Belphegor is pissed. Regardless of how hard he tries, how much makeup he puts on, or time he spends on his hair, he just doesn't look right. So, he's crowded himself into a gray sweatshirt, and turned on his webcam, arms covering his face. Bright pink hair sticking out in strands. A Hello Kitty plushie is safely tucked in his arms, helping to obscure his face.

He doesn't look unattractive this way. Just…not quite what he's used to. He looks like a boy more than anything else. His features retain their most basic natural femininity, but now?

He's just a guy.

And he groans, burying his face further into the safety of his arms.

Guys. Guys, I'm done. I'm taking a nap until this bullshit is over. [Even his voice is a bit lower. No, a lot lower. He can't even try to speak the way he usually does. There's no purr, no seduction, no nothing, and he winces.]

How am I even supposed to get laid like this? [He gestures to his face.] It's so not fun. [Blue eyes peek out over the pile of fabric that is his sweatshirt and bedsheets.]

God. Fucking…I'm so done. Like,- this isn't even cute anymore. Ugh. I don't even have any guy clothes. and fuck shaving…

[He sighs, grabs his plushie, and turns onto his other side, away from the camera, reaching back to shut the feed off. The last thing visible is a short, messy spray of pink ponytail against cotton candy-pink sheets.

At least he still looks like a girl from this end?
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Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

bullshit riots delayed this introduction. I'm Eric Hammond. I was told I should use the network to branch out, and meet people. I have no idea who the hell would want to meet me, but in any case I'm a member of the MMA Club, and the animal rights club.

Anyone else in both clubs?
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Sunday, September 9th, 2012


I went into town earlier to pick up a few things now that the protesters are gone, and there was the strangest feeling in the air. It was like I expected to encounter angry people everywhere I turned. Admittedly, seeing everything that got broken or destroyed by the rioting contributed to that lingering fear, and it made me wonder how I could help. So I went back to my dorm and made some kale chips and zucchini bread, and brought it around to everyone I could find volunteering to help rebuild along with bottles of water.

I think I'll do it again tomorrow, and maybe I'll see if I can help with cleaning a few places when I'm not working, too.

I also found this article, and it made me laugh. I would mention why, but I have the feeling a certain someone named Adam might not find it as funny as I did.

I've discovered that in times of stress my desire to make seems to get bigger. That being said, I made a few batches of chocolate covered peanut butter pretzel cookies, and am perfectly willing to share. If anyone wants some please let me know, as they're far too decadent for me to eat alone.
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i think if i were any lazier, i might actually melt.

also, the doctor says i'm underweight. someone come feed me frosting and cotton candy. ♥ or you know what? chocolate. i think i'm on my period because i can't move and i am so fucking pissed off i don't even. i can't believe i even get one, but life's a bitch.

[DEMONS (minus Halphas)]
mm. what kind of abilities do you all have? out of curiosity.~

♥ ♥ ♥ fuck you. ♥ ♥ ♥
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thirteenth flap~

I bet Mitt Romney supports the Incarnate Registration Act idea.
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Monday, September 3rd, 2012


Are you okay? Are they by your place? I'm coming over.

[Friends of Halphas; Val]

Is everyone alright?

*you're free to decide if you're included in the second filter or not~!
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Friday, August 31st, 2012


Boys are messy.
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Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

SCREW IT. I came to the forum to be open and I'm sick of hiding.

I'm Odin.
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Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Seriously, if One Night in Paris wasn't already a 'thing', I'd totally try to make it one.

Whatever. I'm bored, so let's exploit this honesty thing.

Ask me anything at all.~ Not that I'm expecting anyone to be too curious about little old me, but it's worth a shot. Honesty's a given. ♥
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achilles is honest.

If you're all having so much of a problem with this honesty thing, then you must be shitty people to start with.

Since apparently I'm joining the ranks of the full disclosure thing, I think I was Achilles. Still not 100% on that one.

Finally, is it just me, or is Flint either an idiot or just sadistic? I swear I've missed half the training sessions because he keeps fucking up the times.
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Friday, August 17th, 2012


I see you all whining about how mean you are, now that you can only tell the truth... My case is pretty much the other way round; I cannot be mean ;; The whole sarcasm-thing seems to be gone, which isn't as bad as I thought, but it belongs to me and my stunning personality! I want it back (even though being nice is cool sometimes. Kinda)

On that note: I don't know how the washing machine works and Minjung is not here. Since I live on my own until he is back, I need to do laundry and other household-stuff. I'm desperate. Help!

[Filter: Pheme]

Thanks for helping me decorate. That was worth sharing the ice cream. Oh, and don't get used to my overly friendly self...I'm not usually like that.

[Filter: Halphas]

I actually wanted to invite you over, because I could use some company, but I am afraid I'll say stupid things I'll regret later.
(73 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, August 12th, 2012


I feel like I've done something so sinful, and I had no idea I had it in me. I went out to eat, by myself, and while I had a lovely salad for dinner, my dessert was this rather decadent brownie.

I know I shouldn't feel so badly, and it's just food, but still... I'll have to exercise for a week straight to work that off.
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-17- Video post

[The feed starts and shows Valentina sitting in front of a small piano. All around her are removal crates piled up--the result of her move to another apartment. She smiles and looks into the camera, the laptop standing on a crate to her left, so that she and the piano are visible in profile.]

This is for you, Archer. Proof that I am too awesome for my own good.

[Then she turns toward the piano and places her fingers on the keyboard. It's been a long while since she last played, but the feeling of the keys under her fingers is still familiar enough. With a deeper-than-usual breath she starts playing. Val is absolutely aware that she doesn't play as good as Archer did before, but for 14 years of not playing, this is good enough, in her opinion.

After she's finished playing, she turns to the camera again.]

Now, how was that? In my defense, I had only one day of practice. I'm sure I could do much better, but the one day was part of a bet.

Did I win or did I win, Arch?
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Thursday, August 9th, 2012

In my intro I completely forgot to ask something vitally important; anyone looking for a roommate?

[Filtered to the Judeo-Christian pantheon]

Who's here?

Hi, I'm Anael.
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Friday, August 3rd, 2012

ultra pink.

e )

Okay, so.

Dear girl who mentioned pink hair dye. I owe you, like, dinner or something because I got obsessed. It was so much effort, and I know I'm going to have to make awkward apologies about tracking super-pink hair dye everywhere for the next few days, but I don't give a fuck. My pillow is pink. My sheets are pink. Basically, pink and I are going to have to be BFFs for a while. ♥ And I love it.

Oh. And things that aren't about how pretty I am. I guess I have to talk about those, too.

Old me was very interested in inventions, and I kinda still am. I guess what I'm wondering is is anybody else? I mean, there has to be some kind of interest in gadgets and artwork and other such playthings, right? Fuck, I was known for passing out ideas like fucking candy to you people so I guess it's hard to stop thinking about it. Whatever. I'm getting all TL;DR.

I'm lonely?

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It feels fucking GREAT to finally be able to remove this walking cast. Never get a Lisfranc fracture guys. It sucks. And you can't walk for, like, two weeks after surgery. Do you know how much you walk a day? A lot. That's how much.

Only downside is I can't use it as an excuse to sit down during work.

At least I can start practice for water polo with the rest of the team. That's good.
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Friday, July 27th, 2012

I'm just not feeling like a blonde anymore. Not that there's anything wrong with being blonde, of course, but truth be told, my princessy little self could use a makeover. But that's, like, hard, and I just really don't want to.

Also, I'm pretty sure I'd suck someone's dick if it meant I didn't have to get out of bed today. But they'd also have to bring me chocolate milk. Maybe some cereal or something. I think I've been forgetting to eat / go shopping /whatever bitch, I'm starving.

I am in just such a mood today.~
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Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

مساء الخير

Following in the footsteps of the nice-seeming man who followed a friend of his before me, although I don't know if I've made enough friends to make posting these worthwhile. It could be amusing regardless?

If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?


Pick one word from each pair that you think describes me the best and leave it in the comments. Then copy this and post it, if you want, to see how your friends view you.

* dominant or submissive
* logical or intuitive
* social or loner
* kinky or vanilla
* cute or sophisticated
* kitten or puppy
* warm flannel sheets or sleek satin
* leader or follower
* quiet or talkative
* spontaneous or planned
* teddy bear or porcelain doll
* hiking or window shopping
* tequila or vodka
* top or bottom
* bare foot or shoes
* jeans or slacks
* tender or rough
* aware or dreamy
* nerd or jock
* brains or brawns
* common sense or book smarts
* pretty or sexy
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