Montenegro University [entries|friends|calendar]
Montenegro University

college town grad law med military
I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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Text to Apollo [22 Sep 2012|10:45pm]


cottabomancy [21 Sep 2012|05:52pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

If anyone is interested, the Wiccan club will be holding a small celebration all day tomorrow in the Black Woods to help ring in the Autumnal Equinox. Once the sun sets there will be a controlled bonfire, and we'll have snacks and drinks for people to enjoy all throughout the day.

We hope to see others there, and if you come you don't need to join in with the dancing around the fire, but you're welcome to if you like.

~dorian loves narcissus. [21 Sep 2012|05:02pm]

I'm cranky because mirrors don't make me feel good anymore. :(

So, I heard from my parents again. I guess they heard about the riot or something.

I also ended up talking to my parents about who I used to be, because they wouldn't stop asking questions. My dad was so mad when I told him, though. :| Like, I thought I'd told him already? But he got totally irate. Like calling me names irate. Ugh.

I like being me. I wouldn't want to be anyone else. I mean, I'm perfect. ♥ If I had a choice in the matter, I'd still be Narcissus.

Hm. I mean does anyone really hate who they were reincarnated from? That doesn't make sense. My dad is acting like I did something wrong just by-

[20 Sep 2012|01:16am]

[ mood | annoyed ]

I thought I'd spend the day outside today. Turns out I hate the sunlight, regardless of the status of my abilities. It's just so overbearing.

Dusk, I like. Dawn, less so, but it's just as good.

And pain sucks. Entirely so. Can't wait until that stops, really. I hate you, Jack. I hate you. But- ugh. Fucking-

I- want to talk to you. would like your advice.

What can you take for a somewhat minor injury? Can I- I did something- Set-

I cried, it hurt so bad. Everything sucks.

[20 Sep 2012|12:33pm]
You know for the most part I don't mind not having my powers. I mean I lived most of my life not knowing about them and they aren't all that obvious, well for the most part. The pregnancy thing is slightly disturbing and I'd sometimes prefer not to have the grudge thing happening. Still, I do hope for you case we gain them back soon.

Classes are going well and I am enjoying them though I'm not spending all my time working, one does need to be social. Talking of that, would anyone like to go to a club tonight?

[19 Sep 2012|06:58pm]

it's the end of the world!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

having no powers is okay. as long as there are no riots. i was able to drink one bottle of water for breakfast and didn't die. you can't see me dancing but i am.

i'm still going swimming later. because that is just fun.

school is good. no problems so far. i will keep all of you informed.

9~ [19 Sep 2012|05:00pm]

[ mood | pleased ]

I know some of you have been upset that classes are back in session, or that you seem to have lost your abilities, but I'm just thrilled to have a classroom full of kids again. Thank you to everyone who helped me clean up the daycare after what happened, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that your time and efforts have helped to make at least one building on this campus a safe haven for the children around here.

[19 Sep 2012|12:30pm]

I don't even know for how many years was I subjected to a particular power of mine that simply made almost every single quiet time of my life a lot less enjoyable, but seeing as how things are right now...memories and no powers?

I'm sorry, but I would like it to stay like this. Forever.


Can you see the dead? I could until this happened. I'm not trying to imply I didn't respect them...but this is so much better, I can finally enjoy silence without a dead person's ghost spilling their hearts all over me.

We should do something. We should celebrate. And I guess you could present...your guy to me?

[Fox Filter]

I'm never the one who does this, but I'm feeling pretty damn good right now. Shall we have some fun?

[Native American Pantheon]

It's probably the worst time to do this, but I wanted to take the time to let you know that I'm around. They never really tried to explain just who I was when the news went all crazy about me, since there isn't much to work with in the first place.

I'm Qailertetang, hi.

Hopefully we'll get along?

[19 Sep 2012|07:29pm]

No powers = Sad Sam :(

I could need some solace over here ladiiiies~

[19 Sep 2012|01:30am]

Instead of having a dream about the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, I had a dream about the Michelin Man.


Quick, someone tell me a scary story!

[Wolf Family]
I can't walk into anyone's dreams. I guess I can deal with that. NOT REALLY.... But...


I had a dream about good things. Disney bunnies hopping around good. I had a dream about a girl. I don't do that. I'm going crazeeeeeee. HELP?!

[Morpheus, Phantasos]
Can either of you walk through dreams? Do you still have that? If so, do either of you have your power right now?

Izanami is distressed [19 Sep 2012|01:47am]

So. He's here What do I

I feel that everything that can be said about losing one's powers for the week, or potentially for longer, has already been said, and since there's not much we can do about it, we may as well move forward the best we can for now.

[Filtered to Shinto Pantheon Minus Izanagi]
I know I haven't had many extended interactions with most of you yet, but I would appreciate it if you would ignore crucify I can't refrain from giving him any information you may have about me. Please.

[Filtered to Persephone, Hades, Durga, Sedna, Isis, Hera, Michael, & Other Wellness Center Co-Workers]
may not be at my best this week. Forgive me in advance.

[18 Sep 2012|10:21pm]

It's not that bad to lose your powers.

I just wish I knew for certain I'm going to be strong and awesome soon again.

Is anybody actually downright happy about not having powers?

WTF. [18 Sep 2012|11:54pm]

Did one of you bastards infect me or something? (Is it even contagious? It's probably not. Damn it. SHARE MY PAIN.)

I just lost a race. I've NEVER lost a race against a normal person.

And the dude was a normie. Nothing godly about him. I mean, if I lost a race to Hermes, or Atalanta--but I don't come in second to normals.

I just don't.

Oh, man.



I'm gonna go get tanked. Who wants in?

[18 Sep 2012|10:09pm]

I winked at a girl and she giggled and told me to call her. I guess I should be mad because my magical face is broken, but I didn't get a good look at her own face. I was a little more interested in -

Too many white girls on this campus with their white girl asses. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves. Have you not heard of the Brazilian butt lift. If you can't thank your genes, thank your doctor. And then I'll thank you. From afar. A picture's worth a thousand words, isn't it? 500 "thank" and 500 "you". Sounds fair!


Yo! Asian people! Sound off!

[18 Sep 2012|05:23pm]
Oh my fucking god. Can there be another fiasco or something? Because I really don't want to be in school right now, I was enjoying the fuck out of the extended break. Like. Seriously.

Ugh. I already have homework. First week in and homework, like the teacher is just looking to be mean or something. Haven't even bought my fucking books yet and you're going to give me homework out of it! a;lsdf. Shit. Blythe, you should do another flashlight tag thing. Or werewolf! We should play werewolf! Just. Something to make up for having to go back to school.

On the note of power things, though, I don't think it's that big of a deal. But. Then again. I have no idea what the fuck I can do. If I can do anything. So, it's not like I can really miss anything. But for everyone dealing with the loss I don't think you should be all that upset. I mean, it'll pass. These things always do. And it's not like you're unimportant anymore or some shit. You're still epic and that's all that matters. Ain't no big deal being completely human.

I'm demanding, like, a shitton of family times, kay? Dunno. Just feeling sentimental or whatever. Not caring to give you a reason, just give me what I want.

Also want all of the JJ fun!times ever. She's my badass little sidekick and I need some sidekick love.

How do you know if something is a date-date or just a friend-type-hang-out thing?

Because, totally honest here, you and your type are super fucking confusing and I am not going to ask Eros this question.

Come shopping with me? I want need should probably get a dress or whatever. Or a skirt. Or something. I don't know. I'm no good at this shit, but you both are like really fashionable and shit so I'd be super appreciative if you could [...] help me.

Any time before Saturday would be ace.

Hey, like, do you dance?

Show of hands of people willing to take part in something totally badass and epic?

[18 Sep 2012|07:22pm]

...It looks like I'm getting a raise. The flowers I got for Sif had to stock this morning didn't wilt when I touched them. I decided to do something stupid and get a lottery ticket, and I'm currently up $500.

I don't get it. I've never been lucky. Not a single fucking day in my life. Is this what luck feels like? I mean, I'm used to not even being able to find quarters under car seats. On a typical day, people spill coffee in my lap and knock over the displays I put up.

Shit. This is kind of weird and awesome and terrifying.

Is anyone even in this thing?

Hey. ♥ I got you something. Now that I'm not killing them for once.

[18 Sep 2012|07:25pm]

Dear Monte U.,

I can not make it to class until this bullshit is over, for I can not stop puking a lifetime of booze out of my body. Please make this go away soon so I can return to the functional alcoholic I usually am.


PS: Is there an Ariadne here???? I could use ginger ale and a cuddle from you, not that I don't LOOOOOOVE your cuddles Shaxie.

44. [18 Sep 2012|09:57am]

[ mood | distressed ]

I don't know what's gotten into people lately, but I don't really like it. I'm not certain as to why, but I've gotten a lot of rather [...] crude comments aimed at me recently. Mostly about my body, but there have been others that were of a graphically descriptive nature. One man was talking about things I had no idea someone could, or would, do to another person.

I'd just really like it to stop, please.

pukey times. [17 Sep 2012|11:42pm]

[ mood | aggravated ]

What in the hell has gotten into you people? Not that I don't appreciate the patronage and tips and all, but please stop puking all over the place.

Please. I'm begging you. Come, drink, sob, laugh. Just stop puking. I'm literally going to start handing out buckets at the door. Losing your powers does not automatically mean "Whoo! Pukey times!"

...I'm very tired of cleaning, alright? Very awfully tired.

filtered away from admin faculty and staff [17 Sep 2012|04:17pm]

Another school year, another school year of certain professors bitching because students have the gall to complain about anything.

For fuck's sakes, some of our professors aren't that much older than us, and some of them are walking around like their shit doesn't stink. "Ooh, look at me! I'm a professor! I am so much better than you measly piss ants!"

Apparently we're not supposed to complain, or even talk about the fact that some of us have lost our powers. I mean, it's not like our powers are a big part of us, oh no! Not at all! We should all happy, or apathetic about our loss of power.

Also, how dare we express discontentment over the riots that happened two weeks ago! How dare we express our fears over the possibility that we might have been killed, or that some were severely injured.

...I'm getting drunk tonight, anyone want to come with?

twenty~ [17 Sep 2012|09:26am]

[ mood | annoyed ]

All I've seen around here lately is whining. Whining about the rioting, about people losing their powers... perhaps with classes back in session people will have something new to focus on.

You'd think, considering, that there'd be some lesson we could learn from the hardships we've experienced. If anyone can come up with one do let me know.

[17 Sep 2012|03:02pm]

Okay wow, this is extremely weird. I'm actually hungry. And before you people jump at me and tell me to eat because I look unhealthy : It's one of my abilities not to eat much and it doesn't seem to work! On the positive side, people around me seem to be less hungry and that's refreshing since they usually are always hungry. It's kinda gross to watch some of you people eat.

[Filter; Eris]

Mommy? Are you here?

1. [17 Sep 2012|08:21am]

[ mood | chipper ]

Well, don't I feel awkward? Everyone else is talking about getting drunk and petting puppies, and here I am excited about starting classes. I even have that Animaniacs song about the first day of school stuck in my head.

I find it fascinating that there aren't more people studying mythology and other really obvious majors at this school. I don't know about any of you, but I took inspiration for my major from knowing I'm a reincarnate, in a sense. It might seem silly, but I don't rightly care. Even if I end up becoming a big deal scientist, I'll always know the real reasons I picked the subject.

Of course, now this has me wondering why my bratty little step-brother picked it. I might need to ask him one day. Hmm... ah well, that's a question for another time.

[17 Sep 2012|12:47am]

I don't know if it's the years or experience, but everyone is making quite the mountain out of that anthill. You all should do a little growing up. I feel there are more important issues out there than whether or not you can fly.

Since this is my first time posting, I should add that my name is Ian Ostermann. My wife is an Anthropology professor. You might have seen her around. She isn't hard to miss. She's very nervous excited for tomorrow. Even our son is excited to go back to daycare, and he was only out for four weeks. He says there's a teacher he misses. He has a painting he worked on to give to her.

And I'm taking it all in stride. I wonder if I'll be the oldest in my Freshman English class.

[16 Sep 2012|10:30pm]

[a little while after this]




I don't care how dopey you think it is. Today, I hugged a puppy. Those fuckers have been known for trying to bite my face off. Ravenously.

You probably don't understand. I don't care if you don't understand. I can talk without worrying about screaming, i don't feel anyone anymore-

i'm okay. i feel okay, at least. a bit. sort of. i don't know. they're still in my head. they're still in my head.

i miss my voice a bit.


No, I don't know how. I just want to be around one of you. For like, five minutes. It would make me gleeful as fuck. I could totally touch one of you without feeling it burn in my-

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