Friday, August 17th, 2012


This boy told me yesterday he had come to the library to ask for a book so he could get a chance to talk to me and ask me out.

So I recommended him Joyce's Ulises. Not a personal favorite, but he was open to suggestions, it seems.

I'm starting to think he's not going to read it.
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It's slow at the store now. Hasn't been a single customer in an hour, and it's too early to start cleaning. I suppose I could be stocking the cooler, but my co-worker called dibs on that. So I'm manning the front, and I'm bored, and nervous.

Earlier in my shift I had a pregnant woman walk up to my register with a case of beer. I always hate when that happens, because by law, as long as they're of age, we "have" to sell them the booze. Tonight, something came over me. After I asked for her ID, and saw that she was of age, I chewed her out. I asked why she wanted to destroy the baby inside of her, and what the hell had it done to her? I told her that just because she fucked up, or got fucked over, that was no reason to punish her unborn baby.

She started crying, but left the store without the beer.

I don't know. On one hand I feel bad for yelling at her, but on the other hand I don't.

If I get fired from this job for that reason, I won't be surprised at all.
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Monday, August 13th, 2012

Ever wonder what a moth (or any other bug) thinks when it's coming up to a bug zapper? "Its the great dub-step! I gotta join!" or something?

(I may have hung one up outside. Mosquitos love me. I feel slightly terrible.)
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Thursday, August 9th, 2012

So I guess that's it for the Equestrianism division of the Olympics. Can't really say that I cared about much else, so that's it for me and the Olympics really.

I missed parts of it, unfortunately, because of moving. But that's no skin off my teeth, America was already greatly disappointing me and I didn't really see any breeds that interested me. Don't get me wrong, they were all excellent horses - but nothing to drop everything for.

Speaking of, rumor is that there's an Eriskay pony at the local stables here. Could anyone direct me to said stables?

If there's an Eriskay, there's probably some kid looking to take up Equestrianism and I would love to be able to shadow an actual trainer. This place is not VI. I already feel like I'm falling behind in the study. But at least this place was willing to take me.

On that note

I don't know, I guess hello's are in order? But I'd really rather not. I'm sure most of you will come to recognize me on your own. So. Just. Let's just leave the remarks to a minimum? Thanks.
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Greetings, all. My name is Daniel Wooten. I felt it would be sensible to introduce myself, as I intend to utilize these boards for class purposes. Should anyone be taking a psychology course this coming semester, the chances of attenting my class is rather high. I do teach a variety. Apologies to those who will eventually grow tired of my ugly mug and my punishing grading system.

[Filtered to Norse Pantheon]

Do find room in your busy schedules to enjoy this.

[Comment Filter to Greek Pantheon, but viewable by ALL]

Hello, my Greek companions. Though I am Daniel Wooten, you may better come to know me as Zeus. Who is here? My family? My friends? My enemies? Show yourselves, you have nothing to fear.

[Filtered to Fergus]

Mr. O'Bannon. A small world we live in, isn't it. How is your health? No more unplanned swimming lessons, I hope?
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