Monday, July 23rd, 2012

Now with the fireworks over, perhaps people can stop trying to get them to appear?

If anyone has a bottle of wine they would be willing to part with, it would be highly appreciated.
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Thursday, July 19th, 2012

I've only just started in my position as coach and professor, and I'm already ready for a drink.
Anyone want to join me or show me where the good places in town are?
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Tuesday, July 17th, 2012


Fireworks every time someone trips due to staring at me for too long?

Talk about stroking one's ego.

That one guy did end up inside a trash can though.
(36 comments | Leave a comment)

[21+ PERSONS.]
Gear up, we're going drinking. Immediately.

We're making the most of this firework nonsense.

You are all obligated to come. No questions.

Pick a day. Lucie's little brother is in town, we're leaving him and Paxton in your charge - to let them starve and whatnot.

I'm sure she'd be eternally grateful. And consider it payback for your twelve-year-old stalker waking me up.

* there really are too many to list. if you aren't sure if you're one just go ahead and assume you are. because, seriously, you probs are.
(7 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, July 16th, 2012

It fucking amazes me that my parents just allowed that stupid little douchebag to come here. How did they not convince him to go to West Point? Did anyone actually sit down and think about the decision he made? Fucking retard. And now he's harassing teachers.

Note to self: wear all your gold jewelry when you see him next.


This is the worst thing for hangovers.

[Filter: Emilie]
I'm actually afraid to drink and I desperately need to drink. Did I tell you my baby brother is here? I also ran into that bitch. The one he left me at the altar for. At work. So I couldn't claw out her eyes or drag my nails across that pretty little face.
(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

As much as these fireworks are befitting of a king they do seem to happen at the most inappropriate of times! Who knew that finding my favourite pair of glasses would be cause for such celebration?

Actually if this continues it will annoy me greatly.

Reminder to anyone who has signed up for my class; make sure to bring ear-plugs.
(13 comments | Leave a comment)

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012


When I was home visiting my mortal parents for the 4th of July, I passed a sign on a church that said in big lopsided red letters GOD HATES INCARNATES. Never change, great state of Georgia.
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Monday, July 9th, 2012


Are there any micro breweries or wineries around this place? I bet free tastings could be a lot of fun.

[Filter to Balder]

We should meet.
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

hermes is sometimes a geek.

Youtube, sometimes I can't help but love you.

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Saturday, July 7th, 2012

tenth flap~

For those students who took the first session of my Intro to Ornithology class, you can rest easy knowing I'll be spending my weekend grading your final assignments. I should have your official grades for you by mid-next week. If anyone is interested in partaking in the session that starts July 16th please let me know.

A little birdy pointed out this article, and I found it amusing.
(16 comments | Leave a comment)

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

Well, if anyone was wondering, I'm putting it out there that I'm fine and dandy! Thank you to everyone who helped me through it, you are all amazing. ♥

And to the general public - if you want anything from Chicago, I'm your girl.

We should do something together when I get back. ♥

Hey. There was [...] something I wanted to talk to you about.
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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

[Filtered AWAY from Hades and Zeus (because he was a slut and his opinion is invalid)]

For those of you with former life significant others (who have also had the opportunity to meet them in this life) when you met that person, did you know? Like, were there tell-tale sparks, hatred, something that gave it away? Did it matter at all to you?

I'm not sure, but if it's even remotely true Just because someone suggested he might be People ask strangers to coffee all the time, it's not weird and desperate if you do it, Annabelle oh gods, I'm having a conversation with myself, this is ridic
(86 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, July 2nd, 2012


[Filter: Private]
...that awkward moment when you confess to having feelings for someone and realize after the fact you might be too old for them, at least if their tastes in this life mirror their older one

[Filter: Public]
Question for all of you, whether you've figured out who you are or not; how confident would you feel telling people who you are/were if you found out that you were the reincarnate of someone who -- regardless of what you know to be the truth -- was portrayed by historians and writers as evil or villainous? Would that make a difference to you knowing that you might end up having to justify decisions you made back in your original life?

That being said, I'm from a pantheon in which 90% of the women are considered destroyers of mens' lives -- I was one of those women. Feel free to guess who.

[Filter: Sean]
So, after putting myself out there like that, I'm in the mood to do something stupid. Are you up for being that something~?
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Sunday, July 1st, 2012

We still up for that sunny thing?

You alive?

Anyone see the motorcycle accident on Georgia?
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Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Daresay I come back from New Mexico only to find this town in a great disarray?! Would someone care to tell me what happened so that I refrain from passing undue judgement?

[Filter to Helen and Phobetor]

What did I miss?
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Monday, June 18th, 2012


Glowing certainly has its advantages in this situation. I'm out of shampoo.

[Filtered to Artemis]

Not that I doubt your abilities or anything, but I just wanted to make sure you are doing okay.

[Filtered to Helen]

This apartment is boring without you.
(31 comments | Leave a comment)

Oh, MU, you shouldn't have! It's not even my birthday! But I'll gladly accept this wonderful gift. It's almost like stepping into one of my dreams, but it's lacking a certain color. Maybe next time you can add a sense of real danger to the mix. Thank you!

This just might be better than Christmas. It still has a ways to go before being better than Halloween.

How many of you are still scared? Go on, raise those hands. I'd like to laugh at you. Since I'm not a heartless bastard, if someone still needs some help, I can bounce on over. I can bring food as well. We can have a cookout. To celebrate my unbirthday!
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Is Colorado ready for William Chesire??? I sincerely doubt it! Coming to you all the way from New York City, and before that the lovely, Nottinghamshire, England, (no Robin Hood jokes please), William is ready to blow your mind, with a little something extra special for the ladies. Why he is writing in third person he does not know, but he finds it HIGHLY annoying, so he will stop riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight NOW.

Anyway, name's William, you can call me Will, Willy, Bill, Billy, I really could care less. I'm the oldest of eleven children, yes, that's right, ELEVEN. One of my siblings is here actually, say hello Oliver, and don't let your older brother embarrass you, you were far too young for me to have many embarrassing pictures of you, except for the one of your stark naked in a bathtub, of course that picture made it here with me. I am a new student in the theater department, decided to get my masters to eventually be able to teach. I actually started this last semester, I just have been moving and getting my apartment ready until now. Now that it is done and ready I want to have a BIG BASH as soon as this darkness nonsense is over, or hell DURING, so expect an invitation to be following soon. It will NOT be BYOB (bring your own booze for those of you lame-o's), because a good host should always provide alcohol.

I hope to get to know every single one of you very well.

Also, in this darkness with the stores closed, I am very glad I always, always have alcohol on hand.
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I come back from Las Vegas, and I see this?

Welp! If anyone needs me I'll be at the Empty Orchestra-Ya defending the place. I'm not about to have some monsters wreck the place, and I doubt my insurance policy covers "acts of monsters".
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Saturday, June 16th, 2012

Soldiers, get your M40's, your semi-automatics, and your frags and let's party like it's 1999.

Or 2012. Which it kind of already is. We just couldn't help but get ourselves a head start, apparently.

Kill count: 37. Anybody feel like losing? Try to keep up, children. ♥

[Filtered to Malcolm, Jocelyn, Mel, and Kaden]

Tell me you guys are okay, with people, and not tying a hangman's knot into a rope right now.
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