Thursday, July 12th, 2012

the third ☼ in which eos tells a little secret.

[filter; greeks!]
well~ i figured i should do this eventually. this is eos. ♥ my siblings get kisses and the rest of my family gets hugs, and i never disappoint with my hugs and kisses. so who's all here in this life?

[filter; aphrodite]
you'd better not be here
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Wednesday, July 11th, 2012


This is Lori Vance, majoring on Fashion Design. Seeing how I'm going to have to meet you all at some point, why not rip the bandaid in one go and get done with it, right? As long as there is no weird initiation ceremony involving rotten eggs and naked people running around campus I think we will all get relatively along. I hope so, at least.

I'm Ap Somebody needs to learn how to properly decorate. I mean, have you seen the furniture here? Paintings? Wall colors? How have you people managed to live with yourselves all this time?

Does anybody know if we have some Olympics in this place? Also where's the closest mall? And I'm not even counting the one on town, get real people.
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Monday, January 30th, 2012

I'm baaaack. ♥

Hello, lovelies! It's good to be back! I don't know why it's good, but it is! Did they spike my latte or something? What is with me right now? At any rate, I see I have a new roommate who better not have touched my things, and I've seen a lot of new faces since arriving back here. Looking forward to meeting you all!

[Filtered to Ares]
Hello again, dear brother. Miss me? ;)
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Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

[Filtered to Arron]

You have 2 new voice messages. )
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Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

2 Fights

[Filtered to Jacquie]

Lovely Sister,
Would you like to join me for lunch?
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