Montenegro University -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Montenegro University

college town grad law med military
I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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[24 May 2012|07:08am]
Thanks again for coming out, bikini crew! And thanks to the lovely gentlemen that made the noble sacrifice to hold our purses and give a guy's view on our choices. We hope all that modeling wasn't too boring for you.

I think a group beach trip should be planned in the future! :D

This summer is going to be really, really exciting! I'm already planning some road trips, I get to be super greedy with two of my sisters so far, I'm making a short stop back home to surprise my mom for her birthday and I have a bikini for every business day. My credit card suffers, but it suffers in the name of sun and fun!

[Filter: Bethany]

Hey ... um. I hope you don't mind, but I picked you up some things for the summer. I don't know if swimming is your thing, but even if you're not into beaches and stuff, I thought maybe you'd go to the lake or something. Those are generally quieter or at least have quiet spots. If you want to return them and pick something else out, that's totally cool, but :x well, they're on your bed. I snooped through your closet to nab your size. :( I'm sorry and I'll make it up to you if you want!

Did you go on your date yet? How'd that go?

5♣ [24 May 2012|09:50am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Fair readers/listeners to the Love Line, today I'm asking a few queries of all of you. I know, craziness, but I want to pick your brains. It's practically summer, everyone's getting in shape for bathing suit weather, and casual dating is on the rise. Therefore, my two questions - Summer loving, are you a fling type or looking for love, and, what are your best summer date ideas?

Now, to make this worth your while, have some Avengers-themed cocktail recipes, and as always the advice line is open. Remember, you can ask openly or anonymously, we respect your need for privacy here.

seventh flap~ [24 May 2012|10:26am]
[ mood | apathetic ]

If anyone is interested in taking an Intro to Ornithology course I'll be offering one for each session of Summer courses. The class will be mostly outside observations and teach how to identify different species and their migratory patterns.

In other news, I feel stifled. Perhaps I need a new hobby.

[24 May 2012|12:10pm]
I'm finding that with summer right at my front door that I am excited and yearning to wander the town and see what produce I can find and begin cooking again. During the semester, I had to postpone much of this and lived almost entirely off of leftovers and anything that could be made in bulk and frozen--which, though not terrible, is far less appealing than the joys of cooking up something new, something different each night.

Any suggestions? This school is filled with so many rich and interesting histories and cultures, please share your culinary[...] uniqueness.

[Filter: Doctors & Nurses Alike!]
To whom might I speak about particularly horrific and sleepless nights?

They were unendingly horrible that one night. I really need this fixed, please.

[24 May 2012|04:18pm]
Fuck. I need something to do. I have watched way too much shit on Netflix. I'm fairly sure I've lost my ability to stand or walk or do anything by lay here on the ground. I think I've turned into some sort of gelatinous blob. Holy shit, Batman, I am The Blob! I mean. There have been rehearsals and stuff, but otherwise I'm just waiting for the time to pass so I can just go fucking home already. I wanna see my moms. Hugs must be fucking had! If they're not mad at me for flipping my shit earlier. They're probably mad at me. I called them screaming. They're mad.

Anyways. Will someone (or someones, idfc) come with me and help me get my adventure back on? Stuff needs to happen? Also dancing. I haven't danced in a while. Anyone out there willing to find some empty space and put it to good use with me? Fuck. My shoes need to be loved!

Blythe! Tattoo talk? I think I wanna get mine after Les Mis and before I go home. What're your summer plans?

2~ [24 May 2012|06:13pm]
[ mood | happy ]

You know it's been an enjoyable day when you forget to wash the kitty nose and whiskers you had the face-painter put on you in a show of solidarity with the children, and people keep staring at you but you find you don't care. The children had fun with it, and that's all that matters to me. Besides, I think I make a stunning kitty-cat. I would have been wearing my kitty ears too, if I wasn't worried about the little ones trying to pull them off my head.

There was one awkward moment at the grocery store, when I very clearly got hit on. The man refused to take no for an answer, but thankfully Xander wasn't feeling well and his projectile vomiting skills are practically circus-worthy. Is it wrong that the situation amused me? Oh well...

[24 May 2012|06:58pm]
Really, Myth Busters? Really? You had to do a segment to break the myth that women don't fart? What's next? Are you going to confirm the myth that water is wet?

[24 May 2012|09:19pm]
[ mood | amused ]

So I got a phone call from this girl I used to kind of be friends with. I guess my parents gave her my phone number or something...I don't know. My dad said something about how I never talk about any girls when I call home.

It's not like I don't like girls or anything. I just have better things to talk about. Like me.

Anyways. My inbox is now basically full of long, teary voicemails that I don't feel like listening to all the way through. :| I honestly didn't know she liked me like that, but I don't see why I have to care now.

Whatever. She got chubby since high school, anyways.

[Filtered to Flauros]
I owe you a-


What kind of food do you like?

[Filtered to Emmanuel]

I'm probably going to take you out sometime this week. Like, shopping or something.

hermes is smitten. [24 May 2012|11:34pm]
I think I'm in love.

Favorite holiday destination, go.

sif is impossibly nice [24 May 2012|11:46pm]
Charlotte, I really enjoyed helping out with the kids the other days!! Any time you need a hand, please let me know! I'd love to help out.

I've been thinking of getting a part time job over the summer, but I'm really not sure what I could do! I've never had a job before, unless competing in pageants counts, so I don't really know what I could do. Except maybe dancing? I'm okay at that!

thirty. [24 May 2012|11:46pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

Fuck yeah things falling into place. Got my first round of summer classes set up, a promotion at work, and the manager of Avalon Night Club complimented my booty. Today was a good day.

[Filtered away from Staff, Faculty, or anyone who might turn them in]

Not only have I secured us a spot for the fights Saturday night, but I also got us a fucking boss after party. All without threatening anyone. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

Now, let's get down to business - who wants to fight who? I'll fight anyone, and Arron will fight everyone, but is there anyone any of you are itching to fight? Let me know and I'll set it up. Fair warning, whoever fights me and Jazz best come correct, since we'll be bringing our A-games.

Aimon or Jon, do one of you think you could handle keeping track of any bets for me? Arron's gonna be busy keeping order, so it's falling on me to handle the administrative shit.

This Saturday is gonna fucking rock.

[ viewing | May 24th, 2012 ]
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