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Montenegro University

college town grad law med military
I'd like to turn to a type of song that people like myself find ourselves subjected to with increasing frequency as time goes on, and that is the college alma mater. You'll find yourself at a reunion of grads, and old undergrads, and eh... somebody will start croaking out one of these things and everyone will gradually join in -- each in his own key, of course -- until the place is just soggy with nostalgia. Well, a typical such song might be called Bright College Days, and might go like this. Bright college days, O carefree days that fly, To thee we sing with our glasses raised on high. Let's drink a toast as each of us recalls Ivy-covered professors in ivy-covered halls. Turn on the spigot, pour the beer and swig it, and gaudeamus igit-ur. Here's to parties we tossed, To the games that we lost, We shall claim that we won them some day. To the girls young and sweet, To the spacious back seat of our beat up Chevrolet.
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[18 May 2012|01:12am]
art photos / cut for size )

I have a collection of 60 doll heads. They're practice for still life photography. And they make me feel better. Their eyes tell stories - sometimes you just need to learn to listen.

Most people here are friendly, so I thought I'd share? At least to divert from the flowers.

twenty-eight. [18 May 2012|12:52pm]
[ mood | embarrassed ]

Finals are done, I no longer have a flower antenna, and the whole fucking campus seems to know my business thanks to my twin -- seems like now is as good a time as any for a weekend road trip. I'll have my phone if people need me, but I won't answer for just anyone.

[Filter; Family minus Loki/visible to Jon, Joss, and Aimon]
I like Jon. I don't give a flying fuck that he's Heimdallr -- he makes me happy. I have no fucking idea what might come of it, but there it is.

[Filter; Jon]
Come with me.

[Filter; Private]
There's nothing like feeling ganged up on to make me want to get the fuck out of someplace while I can.

[18 May 2012|02:51pm]
I don't know about you, but I'm gonna miss those flowers. They weren't too inconvenient, they smelt great and they were only mildly poisonous: I've had girlfriends that I couldn't say any of that about so you know... I don't know whether I got aconite by accident or some grand design, but it was really appropriate to who I used to be so kudos whoever or whatever was responsible for it! It looks like there's still some left so maybe I'll see if I can put it in a vase or plant it, keep it alive somehow yeah? Any of you guys with a fertile dominion want to give me some tips, it'd be real appreciated.

Anyway, I wasn't going to talk about flowers. I'm a Poli Sci guy. I've been going through my class notes lately for obvious reasons, and one thing has jumped out of me above all things. Democracy sucks. No, seriously. In 1947, the English Prime Minister Winston Churchill said, "Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time." He, of course, went on to argue that wasn't true and that democracy was imperative, but then he also said something that still rings true: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." It's still true!

Why should everyone be equal? Sounds pretty communist, if you ask me. Our nation, these great United States, are built on the idea that if a man (or a woman, but man is shorter so just infer from herein, k?) works hard he can rise above his peers and make a real and private success of himself. We rejected the idea that he should be held back by his neighbors, that he owed some kind of social debt to people who he would never meet, and that what he earned from the sweat of his brow and the burden on his back would be his, and his alone. I'm sounding a little bit Andrew Ryan here, but what I'm SAYING is that if we accept that in our lives, why don't we accept it in our politics? Why is my opinion worth the same as yours? Why is yours worth the same as Kim Kardashian's? Why do people who don't bother to educate themselves about the political state of our country get as loud a voice as a handsome young New Yorker with a radical attitude who's studied politics for a third of his life? If your only source of news is Fox, why should you be allowed to be heard on important, subtle matters? The President doesn't solicit nuclear advice from the contestants on American Idol, he consults an expert! And just like that, we shouldn't be leaving the future of our nation to a group of people who would rather vote in their millions to see Lasquisha going through to the semi-finals than they would to bring to account a group of men and women who plunged half the world into a brutal recession.

Maybe this is the bias of my past speaking, but I believe the most effective form of government is a benevolent dictatorship. One good man, making all the decisions. No argument, no party politics, no lobbies to appease, no businessmen to turn the screws. One man who can do unpopular things for the greater good because he doesn't need to worry about ungrateful plebes with short memories voting him back in next time. Tyranny might be many things, but it's effective, and if that tyrant is a decent man then who's to say that isn't an fine form of governance?

"The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all." - JFK (I was going to quote Reagan at the end here, but ehhhhh...he talks about God a little too much for my liking)

[Filter: Jocelyn]
So be honest - on a scale of one to ten, how crazy did I sound just then?

[18 May 2012|05:43pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

cut for picture )

Believe it or not, boy who used to sit behind me in Intro to Psych, I'm not actually required to give one tenth of a fuck that I "confuse you".

I don't have to "pick a gender", thank you very much. I'm gorgeous, and I have a penis. Sorry if that confuses you, but you being conflicted about whether or not you find me attractive is something I could give less than a fuck about.

On that note, finals are over. ♥ Who else is going to sleep in tomorrow? Or are you all excited to get home?

[Filtered to Lucifer]
What are you doing this weekend, lover? ♥

[18 May 2012|09:29pm]
[Filter: Private]
I fucking hate it here. Maybe not here - I just - I don't know. I hate my parents. No I don't. I hate watching them visibly not talking to me. But I missed my brothers. A lot. Gods. Don't even think I realized how much. Less than half a year and Dom's got three inches on me all of a sudden. I have to look up to talk to him. Who told him that was acceptable?

Lisette's still gorgeous as ever. There is no way that an actual human being looks that good after twenty hours of labor. Twenty hours. Holy shit, I'm never having kids. Ever. It really isn't right. That bitch. And if Tony doesn't get rid of that mustache, I'll kill him for Lisette.

[Filter: Wesley]
Thank you. Said that before, I know. But - thank you. Again.

[Filter: Public]

cut for photo )

So this is my nephew, Anthony Joseph Giannetti IV. He's kind of a gorgeous little beast, isn't he? Not my usual style, I know - all this sappy shit - but I think this gets to qualify as a special occasion. First time as an aunt and everything. Don't get to do that one over again.

Though we need another Anthony in my family like the average person needs a hole in their head.

And Texas. Yeah, very over Texas.

[ viewing | May 18th, 2012 ]
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