Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

log ; charon and nyx

Characters: Henry Harper ([info]obolos) & Alice Coleman ([info]protogenos)
Date/Time: August 8th sometime in the afternoon.
Location: Their shared office in the English department.
Rating: P-13?
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Nyx and Charon talk about important things such as the zombie apocalypse, why the Olympians suck, and how Charon should clearly get some cowboy pajamas. They both love Hades.

Not usually one to fangirl for anyone but herself or her children, she’d have to say that she’d wear a Team Hades t-shirt without a single complaint. Maybe even cover a binder in stickers of his face. But not so far as to start doodling ‘Nyx + Hades 4ever’. That would just be ridiculous.  )
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