Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Characters: Atahensic ([info]atahensic) & Ittan-momen ([info]bulak)
Date/Time: Early summer?
Location: Outside Wes's place
Rating: Low
Warnings: Alexei is a creeper.
Summary: Grace and Alexei attempt to catch Wesley. Instead, they catch each other.

'Excuse me,' she said tentatively 'are you ok?' )
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Friday, May 25th, 2012

Characters: Alexei/Ittan-momen ([info]bulak) & Wesley/Icarus ([info]burning_hubris)
Date/Time: Backdated to Monday the 21st
Location: Icarus' class, campus, faculty housing
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Not much, really? Except "kids: don't get high at school".
Summary: Alexei got a cupcake and Wes got unexpected company. Thus the shepherding home.

But which one's the doctor and which one's the engineer? )
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