Saturday, July 21st, 2012

Characters: Andrew/Anteros ([info]avengedlove) & Harper/Erato ([info]writinglove)
Date/Time: July 15th, early morning
Location: Phone call, then Harper's place
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Cuteness? Idk...
Summary: After standing him up at the movies, Harper wants to make amends to Andrew.

hello operator, can you give me number nine? )
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Thursday, June 14th, 2012

log; anteros and erato

Characters: Andrew/Anteros ([info]avengedlove) & Harper/Erato ([info]writinglove)
Date/Time: 06/08, afternoon
Location: Garden of Eatin'
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Harper and Andrew finally have that date...

she is the bomb, and she's blowing up... )
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