October 2012

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September 8th, 2012

[info]roobeastie in [info]monte_extras

Hey all Jill here, looking for some lines for two potentials.

First off, we have Castor -

He'll be a 20 (soon to be 21 year old) Astrophysics undergrad going into his senior year, and step-brother of the forthcoming Pollux. His extracurricular interests include fencing, horses, chasing girls (or guys), and just generally being silly and weird. He'll have been at the school since he was a freshman, so anyone who wants to be friends, family, fuckbuddies, or what have you would be awesome.

Next up is Freyr -

He'll be the 36 year Biology professor. He's also an ROTC instructor teaching Leadership (he was the god of the kings of Sweden, so...) and is fond of giving his students pop quizzes at the most inopportune of times. He enjoys flirting (with either genders though he's subtle about it), and has the rare gift of being one of those guys who just effortlessly looks good. People like being around him, and he's going to have some... interesting powers.

[info]phonomania in [info]monte_extras

Kidlets, I kept failing at Skadi but with any luck I can still bring her in someday once the inspiration hits. In the meantime, I want to bring in:

Renpet! With Rita Ora as PB. I'd love to relate her to someone if possible, and if not like full blood relations, step relations? Something something. All I've got so far is she's 22/23, and her name is July. She might be in Fashion Design as an undergraduate? Everything else is up for grabs, though. LEMME KNOW~

[info]not_a_shoe in [info]monte_extras

Hello darlings, this is Miri and I present you: ENDYMION!

I actually made another post in the ~extras comm for him earlier today, but deleted it because of reasons.

ANYWAY, his name is Cameron and he's going to be the brother of Hades aka Hayden McGrath! He is 28-ish and married to Selene (who will hopefully come into game again), even in this life. They met in Europe during his travels and have a 2 year old son together. I haven't decided on his major yet, but it'll be either Business or Mining-stuffs.

He's generally a nice guy and yeah. I don't really have anything personality-wise for him as of now.

He needs friends, maybe enemies, the rest of his siblings (if that's okay with you, Nat!) and generally everything else! Come at me, people!

[info]chiie in [info]monte_extras

Hey, guys, Anyone in need of a hot, redheaded sibling?

Used to be the Faery Queen Aeval, who was known mostly for holding her midnight court to determine whether or not husbands were satisfying their wives ~sexual needs~. She thought guys were lazy and prudish and thinks basically they should do whatever women asked them. Sorry not sorry. She also had a magic harp and if people heard it - they died. Also a bunch of other shit. Would love family lines if anyone has/wants them and she's been around for a bit so friends, enemies and all the things in-between would also be welcome!

[info]inviting_joy in [info]monte_extras

this is vic by the way

During our Plot With Me post, I realized I have 3 men and 3 women, but only one of those men is a student! So I'm doing something I've always wanted to do: I'm going to be Mary's Izanami's husband. MY LAST CHARACTER THIS TIME I MEAN IT. I FEEL COMPLETE NOW.

Introducing Izanagi:

I don't know much about him yet, because I just decided I would do this today and I'm seeing Mary tomorrow and we'll be talking more about this. But I do know a few things:

- His name is Deandre (day-on-dray) Stanton-Pope.
- He's 24 years old.
- He is from Florida.
- He will be in the gardening club (and more at some point, I'm sure, once I figure him out)
- He is a friend of Sheli's Jason, who is also to be Izanami's half-brother

I know nothing else! :D Except that his powers will be cool, he will have an appropriate degree in mind, and he'll be awk'n around when he realizes who Izanami is. Or when he meets other Shintos, especially those he has connections to!

In terms of lines, I know there aren't many family ones available in game already, BUT I think I want him to have a younger sister. Mostly for the lulz of: "Oh, I'm Izanagi. Oh, I have a sister. OH. I DON'T WANT TO MARRY MY SISTER AND MAKE AN ISLAND NATION D:" Parallels. Yay. xD But I was thinking he'd have been at the school for about a year now, reentering whatever graduate program he needs to be in for like the fourth time. Mostly I like to think he has commitment issues. Izanami should know.

So friends? And he doesn't do FWBs or one night stands. He's the kind who dates casually, finds something wrong with the girl, and dumps her immediately. Again, Izanami would know! And by "something wrong", it could be a personality or a physical thing. Like you have man hands or you snort when you laugh or you think bacon is gross. So I'm open for him having maybe had one or two girls he went on maybe two or three dates with and then just didn't call. Like a loser. A cool, goofy loser. But mostly I'd love friends for him, from here or from Florida. I'd just love an opportunity to use him to play with characters I don't get to have my other characters know or talk to. And I'd love times with his pantheon too~!


Like So (Spam) )

*ALSO DISCLAIMER: I know he has awesome icons and fantabulous Troy gifs, but I assure you he's going to be very much like Izanagi! I understand the importance of the figure.

[info]cokesuicide in [info]monte_extras

Perfect gif is perfect. :D

Okay, Nye here! I'm revamping Uzume, and I thought I'd ask if anyone wants to know her, be her friend, be a past or current love, be a part of her family. And roommates. She's fine living with guys and gals.

I don't have much in terms of family. I figure she could be someone from Korea by way of Japan. OR She can be adopted by an American family and grew up in the states. (Or other country. It'd be fine by me if she was adopted by Italians.)

As for who she is this time: (She's currently nameless.) She's 25, went to Monte to get her B.F.A. in dance, traveled with a dance troupe for a year or so, then went to dance in music videos and the such for a year. She decided she wanted to get her M.F.A. in dance, so she came back this summer. She's a receptionist at the Wellness Center, and will help out around there. (She will still clean out the drawers when it's slow.) Her dream job is to teach dance.

Uzume is more outgoing now, she likes to go to parties rather than sit at home. She is more sexual now than she was before, but she won't exactly strip like she did in the distant past. She's still independent and bold, even more so now. She is a take charge kinda gal. Honestly, if you're going to take more than 10 minutes to decide what to do, she'll decide for you. It's not that she's impatient, she just doesn't like people humming and hawing. Uzume still has doubts about how people think of her because her powers are still the same.

Her powers: She can persuade people to do what she wants through eye contact. She makes people within 10 feet of her happy. And she can make a party get out of hand when she's around.

So, give me all ya got! Please? :D?