Monkees Fans


18th September 2008

10:14am: Intro
Hello everyone,

My name is Rach, and I'm the owner of this Asylum. I created it because I have recently re-discovered my love for The Monkees, but couldn't find any asylums here about them.

My personal journal is [info]monkeesdreamer, you can find my contact info there if you have any questions, or else just post a reply to this entry. Either way, I'll do my best to get back to you ASAP.

My favorite episodes are 'Success Story' and 'The Picture Frame.'
My favorite song is 'Daydream Believer.'
My favorite Monkee is 'Davy Jones.'

I love writing fanfic! Back in the day when I was really into the Monkees, probably about five years ago now, I wrote quite a bit of Monkees fanfic. That was before took down their music section, yet won't put up a Monkees section uder TV (bit irked about that, but whatever). Through the years I've written for a variety of different fandoms, and even some original stuff. But I've started writing a Monkees fic again, so hopefully that's a good sign.

As mentioned in the Asylum's Info, I'd love to start a round robin or RP with somebody, all you have to do is let me know you want to start something. :)

Any questions, just ask.
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