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Monarch'd OOC

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[May 5th, 2016 / 1:43p]

This is Princess Olivia Washington, King Washington's second youngest daughter. I'm looking forward to having her interact around. She's 20, 21 this year, her interests are fashion and horses. She's going through a rebellion party girl stage. So willing to discuss almost anything if you have ideas.
10 post

[May 5th, 2016 / 1:30p]

Hi everyone! I'm Melly and it's a pleasure to meet you all.

At the moment, I have the State Princess Sun Guiying of China - Feel free to call her Ginny since that'll be easier for everyone. She's the only legitimate princess of the royal family and she's currently staying in the U.S. for a diplomatic visit in order to facilitate good will between China and the U.S. She's also here since she needs some good press after she scandalously broke off an arranged marriage she had with someone due to being in love with someone else. Ginny is friendly and upbeat and I would love it if she had some friends in-game either from past connections or later interactions. Whichever works for you guys!

If anyone would be interested in lines with her or the next character I'm bringing - the young Tsarevich of Russia who I'm hoping to find his fiancee or wife for. - I would be really open to it! Can't wait to get into the swing of things and play with you guys.
6 post

[May 4th, 2016 / 9:11p]

Hey All! This is Princess Amalia Katherine Diane Washington. She is the youngest daughter of King Henry Washington and her stepmother. She has 3 older sisters and one older brother.

She is the baby of the family so you can imagine that everyone either dotes on her, or thinks she is a major brat. And she is the apple of her King Daddy's eye.

I would love some lines for her (other than the obvious that will be happening lol) perhaps a date to the Ball of the Orchids.

That is all for now, but I am willing to answer questions.
2 post

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