June 27th, 2014

[info]empathslight in [info]modcooperative

Seeking a Jack of All Trades Mod

Good Morning All! I currently own and run a large game on InsaneJournal and I am looking for a mod to help out with the game maintenance. Our membership has doubled in the last two months and we have been open for just about a year on IJ, and so we need the extra help. We are looking for someone with experience either running, owning, or modding a game, as well as someone whose comfortable with coding, making graphics, and dealing with people--a jack of all trades if you will. As we are looking for someone on the 'outside' there will be a trial period to benefit both parties--if you choose to back out before the trial period has ended that will be fine, but we would expect you to join the community first and see if you like it and vice versa. This also will allow you to get to know the members. We're a very accepting community and all the mods on staff are dedicated and hard workers. If you're interested, please comment to this thread, leave me a PM, or leave a message in my dropbox. Thanks again and looking forward to hearing from you.