April 16th, 2011

[info]grayacademy in [info]modcooperative

feedback/interest check

Hello all, I was browsing around and this seemed like the perfect place to sound off my ideas. A friend of mine approached me a couple days ago with an idea for a roleplay, and I've been working on setting up a forum for it...

Then I probably realized I should see if this idea was appealing to anyone else before I got too far. Basically, the very rough general premise is this: a boarding/training school for high school (or college, we haven't decided on age-group yet) kids with powers of various sorts (general origins being magic, mutation, science! and apex normal)...It's a pretty large compound that's self-contained, probably the size of a small town. It's set in a general, unnamed multiverse and will accept both original and fandom/literature/etc. characters. The school was founded by Dorian Gray, and has faculty that includes people like Dr. Jekyll, Alexander Hartdegen, etc. Plot will be largely interaction based (classes, rivalries, faculty romances etc.), with mod-hosted events every now and then.

Anywho, is this something any of you would be interested in? Feedback? And if there's anyone out there who might be interested in modding, or playing one of the founders (would really like to find someone for Dorian as he is the headmaster after all)...please reply here or e-mail me at thegrayacademy@gmail.com.

Thanks for your time!

edit: doh, I shouldn't post so late. I forgot the 'the' at the beginning of the e-mail. Terribly sorry if anyone tried to send e-mails, proper e-mail is now listed above.