December 29th, 2009

[info]donna_troia in [info]modcooperative

H.P. Lovecraft game anyone?

Would anyone be interested in a game styled in the H.P. Lovecraft mythos? I'm looking for a co-mod as I'm not sure I could mod the game alone. I'm thinking of setting it in America in the 1920's in the fictional town of Arkham MA, or possibly in Dunwich. It would be an original character game with no prior knowledge neccesary. The general mood of the game would be dark with heavy emphasis on the Lovecraft pantheon of Old Ones. As far as the game situation, I was thinking of setting up two orgainizations. One would be a Archeological society that collects various artifacts related to Chthulhu and the other Old Ones for research and study, and the other would be a cult deciated to the worship of the Old Ones. I figured that while the society would be public the cult would be secret. That's a rough outline, but if anyone is intrested in further details please leave a comment, I would love the chance to collaborate with someone. Thanks.