December 18th, 2009

[info]gotterdammerung in [info]modcooperative

Now that the winter blues are slowly but surely dwindling down, here's trying again for a co-moderator for Supernatural-verse alternate historical fantasy set in 15th century England! There is now an actual premise and a character list in the journal. The F.A.Q., rules and applications still need drafting, but I'm hoping this would be enough to generate some fellow modly interests.

Some non-modly matters that need to be addressed:
Where would you, as a player, like to see the focus on?
→ Lancastrians vs. Yorkists (the War of the Roses, general court intrigue)
→ Supernatural: Epic Scale (hunters + angels vs. demons)
→ Supernatural: the People (independent hunters + hunters in the Brotherhood or the Order just fighting the good fight)
→ Other

In terms of historical accuracy...
→ Alternate history from 1460 onwards
→ Time manipulation (i.e. angels went back in time, sort of like how they sent Dean forward in S5E04 The End)
→ Loosely base on history, with room for creative interpretation
→ Be a stickler for historical accuracy

Type of game?
→ PB
→ Group PSL

Are you happy with the year 1460 as our starting point?
→ Yes, keep it that way
→ No, I have a better idea and will specify in the comments

How about the premise? (Please note that explanations for some obvious questions are being answered in the upcoming F.A.Q.)
→ Makes sense :D
→ It's madly insane in all the wrong way!
Thanks for your interests and Happy Holidays everyone!