December 17th, 2009

[info]agenttyr in [info]modcooperative

I'm sort of x-posting here. Already posted in [info]pbads but we all know how fast that scrolls, so I'm taking a stab here.

I want to take up modding again, but I need some moral support and advice. Basically, this character was in a comm with wonderful potential and a unique premise, called [info]projectcherub, but the mods disappeared before the game even got started. I love the idea of this character, the game, and all the other characters that were in the comm.

So I'd like to reboot this game.

I commented/messaged everyone who was in the old game, hoping to ping their email inboxes.

I want this to be about international conspiracy, involving covert ops, elite military groups (so that I can work the plot arc around the existing child soldier characters), espionage, etc. My vague idea so far is based on the current Middle Eastern conflicts, without going into too much real detail. The premise is political conspiracy around the world. Players will be members of a secret society propagating war and keeping the war going. Potential character groups would be politicians & public officials, law enforcement & military, military agents, investors & front organizations, and journalists & media CEOs. This would allow players to choose any country to reside in, with a few limitations based on population and involvement.

I'm afraid people will be turned off because it looks complicated. I don't think it is, but I need outside eyes!

[info]sunshinelife in [info]modcooperative


Hello! My name is Taylor and for a while now I've been thinking about how much fun it would be to play in a game based off of the television series Eastwick. I've never modded a game, and wasn't really looking to. I searched around in hopes of finding an active Eastwick game already in play but had no such luck. So now I've come to pitch the idea and see if anyone would be interested in picking it up and modding the game! I'd be willing to co-mod if its necessary. I'm not too good with HTML and since it'd be my first, I fear I would only make things harder. But I'm very much looking forward to playing in this game if anyone is interested in the idea!