Mockery's OOC

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Happy Christmahannukwanzikah!! Dec. 25th, 2007 @ 11:31 pm
As further presents and love for you putting up with us moving, I'd like to give you all your very own OOC icon. Clicky, save, and use... cause we love you.

Have yourself a very Mockery Christmas!! )

I think I got everyone. If I missed you, I'm sorry! Lemme know and I'll have one for you ASAP. *hugs*
mood: excited

Icon-Spam! Dec. 25th, 2007 @ 05:31 pm
Hello and Happy Holidays! :)

As a little belated Christmas or whatever you celebrate or don't celebrate gift for you all I've been looking for icons for all of our PBs. In those cases where you can't find your PB there, I absolutely wasn't able to find anything. All the resources can be found on Greatestjournal. Now - on to the icon-list! )

Merry Christmas, one and all! Dec. 25th, 2007 @ 03:37 am
Happy Christmas to everyone!
Happy Christmakwanzahannakuh to you all!


Dec. 23rd, 2007 @ 12:06 pm

I warned you, didn't I? That I'd be back by Christmas?
So, I bet I've missed far too much and, being confronted with a bit of free time, I decided to come up with a bit of background info to make this lack of Theo convincing. Mods, please let me know if you disagree with this, ok? :)

To my mind, Theo's sudden absence can be explained by the fact that his father unexpectedly fell ill. Grandma Nott called in and Theo left in a hurry – in such a hurry even that he forgot his journal at Hogwarts. He barely had time to talk to anyone which is why no one knew where he has vanished to and was left to assume or simply ignore it. As it is, Theo's father slowly got better, Theo received weekly assignments for school he did at home (at later St.Mungo's after his father was transferred there) but he's still sorely behind on school stuff, which is why he managed to convince his grandmother that he needs to return to Hogwarts over the holidays, so he'll have time to catch up and take his N.E.W.T.s as planned. Finally, in trade for a haircut, the old lady agreed and at the present Theo arrives at Hogwarts shortly after everyone has left.

So far so good. Plotting now? Anyone?

Hugs from T :)

Dec. 23rd, 2007 @ 01:05 am

It's G here (because I totally spam the OOC comm). I decided to pick up a new character to let out my evil-er side, Millicent Bulstrode. She's a Slytherin (obv), and of questionable morals and bloodline, with violent tendencies and a cat. She also has no real friends, but she actually can be civil to people if they earn it. I'm really looking forward to playing her, and... it sucks that it's just in time for the Break, -but- I more than welcome journal interactions and if anyone would like to randomly run into her, I'd love that too. Ahaha, Millicent without the sily school rules?! It shall be bloody!

...It's too late to be writing this. Glad to see y'all on IJ!

♥ G
Other entries
» x-posted from GJ
All right... the majority of you guys wanted to skip playing out the DA thread. So, here's what was GOING to happen and what we wanted to accomplish.

1) In the Draco/Ginny thread, Ginny went to the library and gathered a bunch of books on magical warfare. These books were to help her with strategy and teaching defense... and just as importantly offense. She chose to focus on defense for this meeting, for two reasons: (1) she didn't want a bunch of DA members walking around with the aura residue of Dark Magic, and (2)most members are comfortable with defence and she didn't want throw them too off their game. However, she did use more powerful and darker magic than most of them were used to defending against, forcing them to think and react as they would in a true battle situation - though she didn't use anything horribly lethal or disfiguring.

2) In the same Draco/Ginny thread, Ginny discovered that the Morsmordre is a variation on a spell designed to allow wizarding armies to display their herald, much like herald banners used by Muggles. Armed with the book that the spell was in, she told them that it was clear the Dark Lord was just a student there, and had learned and developed his tricks there - or at least had begun to. That meant he was mortal, which meant he could be defeated, which meant... he was nothing to fear.

3) Justin wanted to ask for help with the information campaign. He had two more blank journals that could be used for the "your friend" campaign. He asked for two volunteers to take the journals. ____________ and ____________ volunteered. [Comment here if your character will volunteer.]

That about covers that DA meeting. My guess is most of the DA members will be upset at Ginny for throwing about Dark Magic like it was nothing and for forcing them to work their arses off.

S please contact X about maybe backdating a Ginny/Severus thread after the move.

Move related busines )

Remember how we said that we hoped that you would have new playmates when we got to our new digs? Well, G has decided to bing up Slytherin's big Enforcer, Millicent Bullstrode! Her journal name over at IJ is [info]the_anomaly. C has been pimping for a Bellatrix and an Andromeda and we've been putting ads on all the RP-promotion groups this week.

We hope that our move will give us back a level of activity will follow us from this point forward. We do have some things in store for us (Mwahahaha!!) and we know the Christmas holidays are busy for everyone...but we really hope to really get things rolling even better than they have been.

We're now in our 4th month. WOW. A LOT of RPs don't make it that long! Thank you. And keep on gaming!

x-posted here and at Insanejournal, so you've got NO excuse not to see it!!!
» (No Subject)

A Trio-Era 'Twisted' canon game


[info]mockery_anons for game/application info!

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