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February 23rd, 2008

Not dead yet!

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Just wanted to poke my head up and say I haven't abandoned you all or forgotten. Just got busy and am letting the FAQ percolate a bit. Suggestions, ideas, questions, et al, still welcome.

February 18th, 2008

Just the FAQs ma'am.

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What we need are FAQ suggestions! What do you think needs to be explained, how you think it should be organized, what do you think needs a place holder till we know more, what really important questions need to be answered?

My initial thoughts are that we need an FAQ that explains what we mean by mobile fic and why exactly the formats matter. And we need certain basic questions answered. I've got a few things jotted down but I'm a bit swamped with work today so if we could move ahead with the brains storming that'd be great. Feel free to ask and then answer your own questions or to just ask if you're genuinely curious and are unsure of the answer.

Quickie update: Subdomain is resolving as we speak. So volunteers to make the holding page not ugly is officially open for takers. Debate about archiving platforms will happen as soon as the FAQ conversation gets going. Figure the next few days. Since some of the FAQs cannot be completed till the archive itself is further along.

ETA: The pimping consensus is personal LJ's for now, whole fandoms after some of the FAQs make it up.

February 16th, 2008

Updates and Outreach, putting the plans together.

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Things of note )

Updates )

Outreach )

Next up )

Finally-- I probably shouldn't be the one to decide on a tagging scheme. *sigh* Suggestions welcome there as well.

February 15th, 2008

New Communities and the beginnings of Author Outreach

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1. First off, thanks to [info]amothea we have mobilefic on JF and [info]grimmhill we have mobilefic on IJ. YAY THEM! JF's has already been made presentable, I believe LJ and IJ's will happen sometime tonight.

2. Userinfo. For now I think the userinfo's will simply reflect to two generic goals I put up yesterday:

This community was created with two basic goals in mind:
1. Provide an archive with downloadable fanfic for easy movement to various types of portable readers and fans with limited internet access. i.e. one click fic.

2. POSSIBLY provide a simple and clean website for mobile browsing.

and then a little bit about how the communities exist on other journaling services. Anyone see any problems with that?

3. With 1 and 2 done it's really time to start reaching out to the community. Let's get as many people aware of the idea and hopefully invested enough to volunteer some time.

4. Sometime soon, when the act of logging in and out of several accounts does not come hand in hand with the prospect of me flinging my keyboard across the room, I will create a gmail account to consolidate moddly question and a subdomain under my unrealwords website to sit a FAQ/Coming soon page. Volunteers to work on that sort of thing (from language, though I don't think this needs to be a novel, to coding so it looks better than black text on a white background with nothing around it) would be appreciated. Future FAQs might include various information on hand held formats and devices in more detail.

5. Organization. I figure there will be one post every day or so with a specific task that needs to be talked about and volunteered for in more detail, but we do need a few more eyes on the comm before that happens.

6. Any thoughts, questions or ideas?

Introduction and What's next.

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First of all, some of you may have just found yourselves mods. Thanks! *G* If you aren't a mod and you volunteered for modly like things, don't fret, if you're still up for it I'm sure there's PLENTY TO DO. *G*

Preliminary goals:

1. Provide an archive with downloadable fanfic for easy movement to various types of portable readers and fans with limited internet access. i.e. one click fic.

2. POSSIBLY provide a simple and clean website for mobile browsing.

Here's the prelim todo list:

Cut for your approval )
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