Sunday, June 27th, 2010

HISTORAL REPOSTORY BLOG: "Contest: Patriotism by Perception"


Through the dim lighting (notorious, it seems, for Historal Repository vlogs), a cheerful young woman waves with all the usual fervor that people usually associate with members of plucky non-profits. She starts her talk with little ceremony, save for the pop of the background microphone:

“Hey guys, it’s your friendly neighborhood Jessie signing on for The Historal Repository yet again! We’ve been really quiet around here lately, but cross my heart,” and she makes the motion, “that it’s just been because it’s been smooth sailing for all over here at Repository headquarters! Still, on behalf of the Contest Task Team here at Historal: we’ve missed you!”

Sudden series of claps: “But! We’re back for an awesome reason, guys! You would not believe the goody bag we have for three lucky Repository members! As you well know, the big New York Festival of the Fourth is coming up – seven days of big events to celebrate the city, the country, and summer herself! This year, Apple’s decided to take their annual Product Reveal Party on the road to the Big Apple and we’ve managed not only to net three tickets to the best tech-themed party in the US – complete with mood music by Billboard Chart toppers Wittinger’s Sleeves – but we’ve also netted three vouchers for an exclusive iHolo upgrade to Version 8!

“Now, you guys know that The Historal Repository doesn’t give out brand new versions of gadgets for free, though – we need you to work at it a little! So here’s the Context Question: ‘what makes you feel patriotic?’ The beautiful thing about New York, in my opinion, is that we’re a melting pot of so many people, so don’t take question as a blanket for-Americans topic. We want to see stories, pictures, songs, and videos about moments that make you feel as proud to be where you’re from, whether it’s Iowa or Istanbul.

“You guys know the rules: you have one week to either write a blog, compose a podcast or song, make a vlog-slash- video montage, or make a photo-essay on our topic. We’ll have the submission box open on Saturday, July 3rd at 6pm so that you’ll have six hours to get in all of your awesome thoughts and stories for the Project! Thanks again guys – we hope this is going to be great!”
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