Monday, August 16th, 2010

WHO: Sora Mori, as well as certain family members and friends thanks to the power of FLASHBACKS!
WHAT: Sora Mori records a video for her family! Also, flashbacks and an interesting decision on Sora's part.
WHERE: EVERYWHERE. Really though, Sora's D2 apartment and her parent's house.
WHEN: August 16, 2030, mostly.

This is a placeholder. )
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Friday, May 28th, 2010

Left on the kitchen table of the Kim apartment )
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Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Text to: Sue Kim, Sora

lol ok he finally kissed me :)
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Monday, March 29th, 2010

text to sora!

TO: Sora

OK, I'm gonna buy a hat, so until I have enough $$ to get to another 11th Hr show, I'm gonna check out that CVS from the receipt on the reg. stakeout partner, y/n? :D
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Friday, March 26th, 2010


WHO: Sue Kim, Sora Mori, and Lillian Poole
WHAT: Sleepover, iHolo-style.
WHEN: Friday night!
WHERE: Their respective homes in Districts 3, 0, and 4, respectively.

The concept was simple: want a girls' night in, without the travel costs or the expenses of delivery for three ravenous girls? No problem! Get into your PJs, grab your favorite stuffed animal, make yourself some hot tea and set up your iHolo for a three-way Holo-call while cuddled up on your bed.

Sue Kim had gotten the urge for a holo-sleepover earlier in the day; it wasn't long before she'd wheedled Lil and Sora into agreeing to answer her call that night. Pajamas and plushies mandatory, smell-o-vision allowed only if things are literally smelling like roses. (Sue, for one, knew that her room could do with a really thorough spring-cleaning.) When the appointed hour came along, she was ready: in yellow tank top and cute white boy-shorts with a Hawaiian applique, Sharkie in arms and a cup of herbal tea on the nightstand, she flicked quickly through the holo-menu until she reached the two names she wanted.

Not half a minute later, Sora's and Lil's iHolos were going off with incoming holo-calls.
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Sunday, March 21st, 2010


TO: Sora Mori []
FROM: Sue Kim []
SUBJECT: downloads

Hey Sora!

So, remember how we went back to that alley and found that receipt? I KNOW I KNOW it's probably just trash, and it's sort of unreadable anyway, but I've dried it out and I thought, "hey, maybe I could use an imaging program and mess with the saturation, put it through some layers" so I went ahead and found this oooooold copy of Photoshop online. but the problem is, it only runs on Windows 8 and below, and I sorta maxed out my bandwidth already getting photoshop...

do you think you could find a copy of Windows 8 or 7, and then we can run a virtual machine and get it running?

you're amazing!

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Wednesday, March 17th, 2010


GROUP TEXT: Milo, Sora, Sue, and Zack

where r u?

GROUP TEXT: Milo, Sora, Sue, and Zack

plz tell me u r safe.

GROUP TEXT: Milo, Sora, Sue, and Zack

ps milo is ok
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Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

text to sora!

TEXT: Sora

soraboramoraloradora, q: PADDYTOWN??
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Monday, March 15th, 2010



Dear Souady, )
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