Thursday, August 12th, 2010


TO: "Summer Project Production Team" (Jens Blixen, Juliet Lowe, Victor Lowe, Prudence Mackenzie, Avery Peabody, Sloane Ward)
FROM: "Malcolm Kelly"
SUBJECT: Shooting schedule time.

Time to shoot some more of our little project again. We can knock about eight more parts of this shit out in either one day or two, whichever people think would be easiest/more practical/work with their schedules the best: one half of them during the day outdoors, and then the other at night inside. With that said, short list of who's going to be on camera when and where? I think you want it. Here it is. Take a look at it, then let me know what's up.

7. Juliet, Jens, Avery, Prue, Sloane. At roadside.
9. Juliet, Avery, Sloane, Vic. At park.
12. Juliet, Jens, Avery, Prue. At park.
13. Juliet, Jens, Malcolm. At park.

8. Juliet. At apartment.
10. Juliet, Jens. At apartment.
11. Juliet, Jens. At apartment/outside.
14. Juliet, Jens. At apartment.
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Saturday, July 10th, 2010


TO: Malcolm Kelly, Victor Lowe, Juliet Lowe, Avery Peabody, Jens Blixen, Sloane Ward

YOU GUYS! Bat-filming in D0 on Monday. Forgive me if I look like a fangirl, but I'm fangirling.
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Thursday, July 8th, 2010


TO: "Sloane Ward"
FROM: "Malcolm Kelly"
SUBJECT: Thinking of you all of my tomorrow.

I'd tell you to have fun doing whatever the fuck it is that you're going to be doing to celebrate, but I realize you're kind of a black hole into which joy is sucked and never seen again. At least try, yeah?
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Saturday, June 26th, 2010


TO: "Jens Blixen," "Juliet Lowe"
CC: "Summer Project Production Team"
FROM: "Malcolm Kelly"
SUBJECT: Shooting this week?

SUP KIDS. Free to start shooting over the next week? The first few parts are the least cast-intensive, so this should be fastest to get finished. Quick schedule suggestion:

DAY 1: Interior shots. Daytime store shot, then two evening apartment shots.
DAY 2: Exterior shots. Daytime park shot, then two evening park shots.

There'll also be some local flavor, ooh look at the tall buildings, location-establishing kinds of shots that need to get done, but that shouldn't take a whole production crew, considering it's as easy as shove camera towards window of car or bus + hit record button. Not hard.

Let me know whenever so we can get this show on the road~
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