Monday, August 16th, 2010

WHO: Sora Mori, as well as certain family members and friends thanks to the power of FLASHBACKS!
WHAT: Sora Mori records a video for her family! Also, flashbacks and an interesting decision on Sora's part.
WHERE: EVERYWHERE. Really though, Sora's D2 apartment and her parent's house.
WHEN: August 16, 2030, mostly.

This is a placeholder. )
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Saturday, August 7th, 2010


WHO: Leo Oakley
WHAT: Leo takes in a homeless refugee.
WHEN: Backdated to July 30, 2029.

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Sunday, July 4th, 2010

NOW WITH LESS HTML FAIL, thanks new Gdocs. >:|

WHO: Cameos by many, but it’s mostly about Dr. Weymouth, Bitch At Large.
WHAT: Enter a vignette of one Dr. E. Weymouth during the week celebrating her birthday. Except, of course, it’s hardly about her turning the big 4-0. For all ye who enter these tl;dr halls, here is what you will find: anger, intrigue concerning the NYU fiasco, and maybe – just maybe – a tiny hint that something isn’t right in the state of Denmark Weymouth.
WHERE: Various and sundry locales around New York, New York.
WHEN: Between Monday, 28 June 2029 and Sunday, 4 July 2029. Thar be mad timestamps in this bitch.
RATING: R for language, assault, and general Bad Person-ness.

Oh, Royce. Don’t worry a hair on your head about that. Nobody ruins my birthday, darling. )
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Saturday, June 26th, 2010


WHO: Dorcas and Bethesda Meaney, featuring mentions of the rest of the Meaney clan.
WHAT: Dorcas's mom forgot about her graduation and asks her about it.
WHERE: The Meaney family's apartment.
WHEN: Late Saturday evening.
STATUS: Complete.

And like that I'm up and flying with the labyrinth behind me but I go too high, the sun is melting through the wax. )
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Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

WHO: Eve Peabody and spawn.
WHAT: The days between Eve's due date and Eve's delivery date.
WHERE: Her apartment and eventually the hospital.
WHEN: June 3-8, 2029.
RATING: PG/PG-13 for some light swearing. I promise this isn't graphic.

Nothing was going according to plan. )
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Friday, May 21st, 2010


WHO: Max York and his mother Nina Yorke.
WHAT: In the early morning hours, our hero Max gets a Skype call from his mother.
WHERE: His humble abode.
WHEN: Early Saturday morning, May 22, 2029.

He didn't want you to worry. )
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Sunday, May 16th, 2010


WHO: Duke Márquez and two NYPD officers.
WHAT: With all the contraband out, Duke makes one last trip to his former residence to pick up some personal belongings. Unfortunately, it's time for his good luck streak to run out.
WHERE: An abandoned warehouse formerly known as the home of Duke and friends.
WHEN: Late evening, Sunday, 15 May 2029.
STATUS: Placeholder.

Does that mean you’re going to let me go? )
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So we must love while these moments are still called today

Who: Naomi Richardson and a few NPCs.
What: Naomi makes a nakedly awkward escape.
Where: A home on the Hudson Archipelago, District 4.
When: The morning of 16 May, but including a basketful of flashbacks.
Rating: PG-13 (please read the What)

I--I was just on my way home. )
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WHO: Levi C. Birch (plus a member of the Sunshine Band)
WHAT: Levi prepares
WHERE: His apartment, District Five
WHEN: Saturday night, May 15th, 2029
RATING: PG for Don’t Try This at Home
STATUS: Complete

Things fall apart )
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Saturday, May 15th, 2010

I can't believe I started off this plot with a Clerks reference, except I totally can.

WHO: Lt. Jack McCarthy, with a little bit of family and a little bit of his chief at the precinct, Frank.
WHAT: What? No, I don't work today! I'm playing hockey watching my kid play Little League at two!
WHERE: What used to be Woodlawn, Queens and would now be considered District 5, NYC.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon, Saturday, 15 May 2029.
RATING: Man, it's technically R for a f-bomb in there somewhere, but I'd probably call it more of a PG-13.

Keegan was at bat when the chief called. )
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Monday, May 10th, 2010

Who: Luke Quinn.
What: Dreamland musings.
Where: His shoddy flat in District 2.
When: Fairly past midnight tonight.
Warnings: G.
Notes: Yeah not terribly interesting but sometimes when I get a thought I can't let it go. Ah well.

It was strange for a man to wish for the nightmares over the dreams. )
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Saturday, March 27th, 2010

the entertainer.

WHO: Samantha Patterson.
WHAT: A moment of weakness.
WHERE: A bar in District One.
WHEN: Saturday night.

Rusty fingers flew over the keys, the cheerful, syncopated music filling the room. )
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Saturday, March 13th, 2010


WHO: A glass of wine, a man, a woman (by the name of J.M. Edwards), and definitely a plan.
WHAT: Discussions that come along with celebrations.
WHERE: Suite at the Hyatt, downtown Washington, D.C.
WHEN: Election Night, 2028.
RATING: PG-13 for wine-os.

... now crouch the wealthy and the noble of birth. )
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WHO: Lieutenant Jack McCarthy and the SWAT Teams of the 81st Precinct.
WHAT: White riots get deadly.
WHERE: North side of District 3 (formerly North Brooklyn), New York.
WHEN: Spring, 2027.
RATING: R for language and violence.

Down in the bunkers in the crust of the earth... )
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WHO: Margaret Yazzie, with mentions of persons both familiar and not so much.
WHAT: The Processing Centre: An Introduction.
WHERE: Fort Polk Refugee Processing Centre, Leesville, Louisiana
WHEN: Early October, 2026.
RATING: PG-13 for naked time.

They took it into the nuclear mine; judging by this, they left nothing behind. )
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WHO: Souady Nandjima and Emma Blaser, a fellow LaGuardia Arts alumna.
WHAT: Overheard discussions of falls from grace.
WHERE: Near Central Park, Manhattan, New York.
WHEN: Late May, 2025.
RATING: PG-13 for spitting on ladies.

Burning rubber and smoke in my eyes – there's a flat burning junk heap for twenty square miles! )
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WHO: A bomb, a city, a man (by the name of C.D. Koetke), and absolutely no plan.
WHAT: It's the end of the world as we know it and nobody feels fine.
WHERE: The Pacific Ocean; the air space above San Francisco and Sacramento, California; Carson City, Nevada; and Geist Resevoir, Indiana.
WHEN: 17 November 2024, various times (including, naturally, 11:17 AM Pacific Standard Time).
RATING: R for language and gross acts of violence.

The panorama of the city is wrong; in fact, the city seems to be gone! )
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