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What if question # 6 [11 May 2008|08:43am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

I think that right anyway. If you had the desire to kiss someone. Would you go kiss them? Just hell go for it?

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Anyone have a cup of sugar I can borrow? [11 May 2008|11:44am]
[ mood | annoyed ]

I'm attending to make sweets. Curry usually my thing so.......Anyway if you have some and maybe a wooden spoon I would be grateful.

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RAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! [11 May 2008|08:58pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

I'm starting my own ramen delivary service! I make all kinds! If you have a order contact me at akikiyomi! If you want to help let me know too!

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[ viewing | May 11th, 2008 ]
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