Miyako High -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[02 May 2008|04:34pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | My Little Princess -tvxq. ]

I'm alive. Believe it.

I'm just either at work or that tall guy in the back of the classroom that's trying not to fall asleep.

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Drop [02 May 2008|05:15pm]
Guys, my little brother was diagnosed with leukemia, so I'm going back home to America. I might be back... but I dont know when. Reina, I love you, I know I'm leaving, but if I ever come back, I hope you'll remember me, because I really do love you, even if I'm leaving.

[[ ;~; Its sad to drop Leehom!muse, but, its necessary.
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[ viewing | May 2nd, 2008 ]
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