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Go Tigers! [31 Mar 2008|12:45am]
Muses Name: Yuki Saya
Muses band/solo: Solo (actress)
Muses LJ: [info]sayamame
Muses AIM sn: so saya said

Grade: 10
Age: 15
Activities: Drama club, art club

I'm not into photography much, but I like to take pictures of weird stuff. Here's a good one. :D
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First day of classes! [31 Mar 2008|08:43am]
[ mood | rushed ]

... for me, anyway. I don't sound like a slacker, do I? I'm glad a lot of my credit transferred with me or I'd be in some serious trouble! Which is not to say teachers won't look at me funny, but lots of people do that, anyway. ^^ At least I won't get lost, because Tegoshi-kun is extra helpful and will keep me from getting completely turned around and finding myself three miles off-campus. I hope.


Is anyone on the track team around? I've just got a couple questions. ^^; Training, tryout dates, um, stuff like that...

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

... OH I'M LATE FOR CLASS. That was it!!

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[31 Mar 2008|12:28pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]


-ditzy chaeyeon-


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