Miyako High -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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Kinda excited! [19 Mar 2008|07:51pm]
[ mood | energetic ]

I am so glad to be starting here. I know it's kinda of late, but would anyone like to show me around. I really would be thankful.

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Modly Post and more! [19 Mar 2008|09:38pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]


It is I, your friendly co-mod speaking. I just wanted to let you all know that no, your mods have not forgotten you. Sorry it's taken us so long to accept the new claims. Gee's internet is being very stupid and won't let her on Internet Explorer so she hasn't had access to our lovely site; and I have been going crazy at work, leaving me brain-dead afterward. Needless to say, I went through and accepted all your claims up to now. I should be able to get the rooming and claim list updated tonight before I sleep.

NEXT week (3/22 - 4/1), I will be out of town and on semi-hiatus. This means I will most likely NOT be able to accept any claims or update things. Gee and I will do our best to update again as soon as either: 1. she get's access to IE again, or 2. I get back in town.

IJ Hiatus: Because of her difficulties with the internet, all of Gee's muses will be on Insane Journal Hiatus until it's fixed. She is still available for RP though over AIM :D.

I think that covers it...
Questions or Comments drop us a line!!

~See you on the flip side~

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