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Too depressing [04 Mar 2008|07:11am]
[ mood | bitchy ]

I hate school I'm good at every subject, but my teacher hates my guts. It's okay I don't really like him anyway. But still I think him not liking me is effecting my grade which is not cool. I need to learn to just shut up some times. Tatsuya you told me about going against authority. *sighs* I hate school, rather just teach myself. So word of evidence fellow students..it's not worth it even if your right.

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Seeing as everyone else is doing it... [04 Mar 2008|11:40am]
My love )
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Love declaration post #238273829738297382 [04 Mar 2008|02:12pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Cherish featuring Yung Joc - Killa ]

Yakiniku - MY ONE TRUE LOVE!!!!

But seriously people. Who doesn't love yakiniku? It's effing delicious.

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ATTENTION. [04 Mar 2008|09:26pm]

What part of that doesn't drive people away from me? I'm a cocky, perverted jerk. I'm secretive. I'm quick to anger. I smoke, and drink, and gamble, and I used to steal.

If you know what's good for you? Stay away. Stay far away. And this time, I really mean it. I'm trying to do you a favor. I'm not being entertaining, or anything else. I'm telling the truth for once.

Goodnight, student body.
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[ viewing | March 4th, 2008 ]
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