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an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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[[OOC Post [03 Mar 2008|11:56am]
Just out of curiousity...is anyone else getting severely delayed notifications from IJ? Mine started acting up around yesterday...
I'm curious if it's just me or if someone else is ramming their head into walls over it too.
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I love you!!!!!!!!!!! [03 Mar 2008|05:46pm]

My only love!

I want to make you happy always.

I love him always. So hands off lol. Just had to say that.^_^
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Drop. [03 Mar 2008|07:33pm]
D: Dropping.
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Miyako High App [ GO TIGERS!] [03 Mar 2008|08:27pm]
Muses Name: Yui
Muses band/solo: Solo
Muses LJ: [info]changemylife
Muses AIM sn: Sora no Karasu

Grade: 11
Age: 16
Activities: music club
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[ viewing | March 3rd, 2008 ]
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