Miyako High -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
an AU asian entertainment High School RP

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For Kim Heechul [09 Jan 2008|08:07am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Coldplay-Shiver ]

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OOC; Hiatus over [09 Jan 2008|07:37pm]
Yup. Everything to do with my family that caused the hiatus is over and sorted with. So~ I'm off hiatus, now. Technically, I shouldn't be (exams), but, I'm amazing at procrastination, a-and... This would qualify as me procrastinating from revision.

So. Yes. Back :3
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ATTN: Roommates - Keita Furuya & Keita Tachibana [09 Jan 2008|09:55pm]

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[ viewing | January 9th, 2008 ]
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