August 10th, 2007

[info]ondore in [info]mixjoy

Obligatory mod post: Rules

When I fix out the community info, these will be included there. The rules are totally obvious but bleh. I felt like writing them somewhere.

And no, I will not be creating a community exclusively for fanfic/fanart - the community for these games is relatively small, and when I ran a community for fanfic and fanart, it died a slow and painful death.

Basics: First IJ Asylum for fans of Samurai Warriors, Dynasty Warriors, Kessen, Sengoku Basara, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and other related games. Main rule = be a fan of at least one of them!
Allowed content: Basically anything relating to these games. This includes discussion, rantings, fan art, fan fiction (not exclusively m/m okay?) and icons. Oh, and bitchings about the crap voice acting :3
Forbidden content: Spam about how hawt Mitsunari is. If you want to write an essay about his hotness according to you, then go ahead (seriously XD), but no posts exclusively saying "I LOVE MITSUNARI LOL!" okay? Yay.
Membership: Open
Posting access: All members
Posts: Un-moderated. SO BEHAVE *smacks*
Main rules: No posts that aren't about these games, and be nice to the other children or Marquis Ondore will SPANK YOU GOOD.
Important notes: This place is sweary, slashy friendly. Doesn't mean it's exclusively a bunch of sweary perverts, but the sweary perverts are welcome. You don't like, just don't look at the post.
Moderator(s): [info]ondore

rulesies )
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