March 10th, 2019



[No Subject]

What the hell? Great, thanks, Five, wherever you are for SCREWING UP! Just...awesome. anyone here...? Not you. No, no, not you. You can all go away now. Bye! I'm not listening!!

I need a drink. Or six or seven.




[No Subject]

Ugh, what is this? Why am I not in California?

I smell something that smells super good, though, like even better than deer. Is that an elk? Ugggggh that's so unfair they're too big for a coyote to kill.



[No Subject]

Woah, woah, wait.

I'm not dead??



[No Subject]

Who is responsible for this? Who has brought me here against my will?

Tell me at once and I will be merciful.



[No Subject]

Isn't this like a Steven King book or something? Like, you arrive in an empty town and then end up getting attacked by zombies or other horrible things? This is like a horror story, right?

Awesome. I love it.