Saturday, November 17th, 2012

Don't you dare look back, walk away. Catch up with the sunrise.

WHO: Cloud Strife (and Aerith Gainsborough, and surprise guests).
WHEN: The first night of the rescue mission.
WHERE: Bone Village.
WHAT: Cloud has a dream.

I'll see you when it's all over. )
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Monday, November 12th, 2012

Were you ever here before?

WHO: Cloud Strife.
WHEN: The day after the battle.
WHERE: Somewhere outside of Balamb.
WHAT: Cloud comes back to consciousness...without his Sorceress.

this is also a placeholder i'm so sorry )
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Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word.

WHO: Aerith Gainsborough and Cloud Strife.
WHERE: Zack's room.
WHEN: Last week.
WHAT: Aerith and Cloud attempt to start going through Zack's possessions.

Material items – Aerith would give back every present she had ever received, every gil, every physical show of kindness, if only to bring Zack Fair back to life. )
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Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

WHO: Zack Fair & Cloud Strife.
WHEN/WHERE: Late Sunday evening / The Gold(en?) Saucer.
WHAT: FEELS. Things are discussed! Like Zack wanting to put a ring on it.

This is a placeholder. )
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Monday, August 20th, 2012

spamming the game rn SORRY NOT SORRY

Left for Cloud outside his room, wrapped in bright-colored paper. )
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Saturday, July 21st, 2012


WHO: Dona Sangriente (and Barthello), Aerith Gainsborough, Zack Fair, and Cloud Strife.
WHAT: Independent vacations in Costa del Sol come together on the beach.
WHEN: Backdated to 18th July.
WHERE: Costa del Sol.
RATING: Probably PG-13 for language? Not yet complete.

Her daiquiri was completely unacceptable. )
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Friday, July 13th, 2012

It's just an empty room, this is our darkest cave.

WHO: Cloud Strife.
WHEN/WHERE: Edea's Advanced Materia classroom, during the final.
WHAT: Cloud tries to hand in his final to the sorceress and gets an unexpectedly rude shock.
RATING: Uhhh PG-13 for...swearing?

Breathe. Fucking breathe, Cloud. )
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Sunday, June 24th, 2012

aerith is pretty pushy, sorry not sorry.

Deposited in front of Cloud Strife's room. )
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Tuesday, June 5th, 2012


Threads below! You know the drill!
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Saturday, June 2nd, 2012


Threads below! Comment under the appropriate thread as you would any in group event! Journal posts can still be put up, but remember, the teams will all be together--they should really only be used for inter-team contact. Let me know if you have any questions!
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