Mission Reports: Threads, Logs, Snippets' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Mission Reports: Threads, Logs, Snippets

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[11 Sep 2016|07:58pm]
Characters: Backlash, Onslaught, Gemini, Blitz, Dragon, Phantom, Medium (NPC)
Location: A warehouse in Pittsburgh, PA
Time: Tuesday, September 13th from 7:00pm onward
Summary: Alpha Team is captured while on a mission
Status: In progress
Warnings: Violence, language
Mission Details )
Notes: Every character who was officially signed up for participation must have at least one tag in this scene. This will be a free-for-all format, meaning that there is no set tagging order. Since characters will be working as a team, please do not subdivide the thread into several small groups, but rather continue in the comment chain. Involved players should track this post so they're aware of new tags and developments. Handlers may participate in limited capacity, but they will be physically at Purgatory in the command center on sub-basement 1 and only able to participate from a distance. Handlers may have a separate thread to react to the events after the abductions. Characters may react IC to the Alphas' disappearance as early as late Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. This post is for Alpha team member participation only. The Echo rescue mission post will go up on Tuesday.
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