April 15th, 2020



RP: What a strange place.

Who: Rey, mention of Fay, Alicia.
What: Rey gets her job assignment.
When: 4/15/20; afternoon.
Where: The beach.
Warnings: TBD.
Completion Status: Complete.

She supposed it was good enough. )



RP: Why didn't his wealth come with him?

Who: Gaspard, open.
What: This whole 'no money you must work from the bottom' thing really doesn't settle well with Gaspard.
When: 4/15/20; morning.
Where: The Commissary
Warnings: None.
Completion Status: Open.

What do you mean I need to pay for them? )

Message: Heyyyyyyy

Who: Lisa & Alicia
What: Lisa checks in on Mrs. Pucey.
When: 4/15/20.
Warnings: None.
Completion Status: Complete.

Soooo.... how are you? )