Mirror Universe [ An Alternate Panfandom ] - May 28th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirror Universe [ An Alternate Panfandom ]

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May 28th, 2010

[May. 28th, 2010|03:32 pm]
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Who: Dark Star and a new agent
What: Killers in love
Where: During a drug run
Rating: R
Status: Incomplete.

Vincent was in his full dark star uniform over seeing the drug run and everyone making the stuff,He had his helmet off behind his neck and his shield at his back.He was waiting for G.A.U.N.T.L.E.T's new star thug. It was probably some fat ex Russian hit man that they needed to put.He heard the door being open and he turned with an interested expression on his face...that is until he sat the lean figure standing infront of the door. "WEll....hello!" he said to her smirking.
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