Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG - March 16th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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March 16th, 2009

You give me all but the reason why [Mar. 16th, 2009|08:20 pm]
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Who: Light and Ryuk
When: Soon after Ryuk arrives after the lizards are gone
What: Light is shocked to find another comrade (of sorts) in this place
Where: Light's room, sometime when Misa isn't there.
Rating: Dunno
Status: Incomplete, closed

I reach but I feel only air at night. )
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[Mar. 16th, 2009|09:41 pm]
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Who: Misa and Light
When: Day 35, morning
What: Misa moves into Light's room
Where: Light's room
Rating: TBD
Status: complete

Misa was so happy that Light had asked her to move in with him. It was something that would only happen in her most loveliest of dreams. As soon as Light had left she did not wait a second to start packing her things. She was lucky to have found some suitcases at the bottom of her closet, waiting for her.

That night she woke up so many times, due to excitement. When the time Light had specified finally arrived she quickly dressed and grabbed her bags to run over to his room. She dropped them on the ground outside his door and knocked. "Light darling it's Misa!"
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