July 5th, 2018

[info]slurp_ in [info]miraclecountry

open 🌸 all day

[If anyone happened to be worried about what was going to happen with all that giant food as the days went by, there’s nothing to be worried about. Slowly, all that food explodes into flower petals, covering the entire place. So if anyone happened to grab some to take home, they’ll be in for a surprise when they go to get a snack.

They’ll be very hard to avoid, as they are practically everywhere. So it’s not a bad time to either enjoy some time outside with the brightly colored view, or start cleaning it up. At least it’s a lot better than having to clean oversized food gone bad.

Aside from the flowery explosion, one of the booths that force people to sit there until they do what’s asked for them has showed up. Except this time, the person in it is there willingly to complete a task.

It’s a fortune telling booth, with the sign reassuring that they are 100% true and reliable. Cisco is sitting there, waiting for people to come in so he can do this and get his gauntlets back. So feel free to go learn what your future will hold!]

((so basically this is a spoiler event! Cisco has the ability to vibe people, which allows him to see a moment of their past, present or future. So feel free to either have your character go talk to him or handwave the spoilering ifyou want- or just roll around on the flowers))