July 29th, 2009

[info]peja in [info]minutefic

Fic: This Glorious Sadness

This Glorious Sadness
Fandom: Torchwood/Dr Who
Genre: slash
Chapter number if WIP: Undefined. I'm also working on a piece called "Let Me Be Empty" which picks up immediately after "Children Of Earth" and explains where Jack fled at the end of Season Three. There is a slight possibility that that piece may work into this story line creating a series, or it may go off into something entirely different. If these two do merge, there could well be several pieces with Jack falling farther and farther into his personal hell that develop to this point...we will have to see
Characters/Pairing: The arc offers lots of possibilities, but lets say Jack/Ianto, Jack/John H, Jack/Ten
Portrayed by John Barrowman/Gareth David-Lloyd, John Barrowman/James Marsters, John Barrowman/David Tennet
Rating: FRM for mental destruction
Summary: A broken Jack Harkness is discovered in a slave market
Warning: angst, depression, slavery
Prompt: Only prompt for this is a need for answers to what now?
Previous chapters or series at: Again undetermined
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Comm/List Written for: http://community.livejournal.com/cardiff_tales
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Author's websites:
Disclaimer. Dr Who and Torchwood do not belong to me. no money made in this
Acknowledgments/Notes: One of the things that stuck out for me in the follow-up specials was John Barrowman's comment that Jack had experienced depression through the show. That his daughter's faith in him fueled him up again, so for me, it has to be asked what happens when Jack loses his soul mate, sacrifices his grandson and destroys the tenuious link to his daughter when he was so close to giving up before.
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May 2011



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