Thursday, March 8th, 2018

I will preface this by saying I've never been an animal person. I never craved a pet, I don't use the internet to find animal videos, I don't lose my composure when I see a cute puppy. So you can imagine my surprise over the fact that I truly enjoyed the cat cafe. I am apparently a cat person. I hope this doesn't lead to a life living alone with ten cats.

In other news, I'm finally done with my midterms and spring break is rapidly approaching. I am quite grateful for this upcoming break though I don't have anything planned yet. Suggestions?

Lucius and Amata
How did you end up with two cats

Allegra and Chris
We got the tape. I emailed a copy to you. It's clearly you in that video.

Chris and I are talking to Allegra. I don't want to out your involvement in case she's dangerous, but she's your friend; if you need to talk to her, I won't stop you and I will add you into the filter.
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Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

Since the police seem to be incapable of doing their job, it's fallen on our shoulders. Here's what we know

On the night he died, Hunter was on the phone with one Lucille Banks, trying to convince her to meet him. He left the party at 11 and his whereabouts for the next few hours are unknown. A lookalike Prius left at 1 and was seen around Terry Park. Hunter himself arrived around 2:15, with a fight and his death occurring twenty minutes later. The Prius returns at 4. At some point, Hunter’s ID and the Prius's keys were dropped by Alpine.

Most of this isn't new. However, I have the names of three students who were also at Terry Park that night. I’ll protect your identities, for now, but it's in your best interest to share what you know.

Also Tri-Alpha, I found your base and I have names. And sketches by Hunter; he was working on a basketball stadium, meaning he was likely the one pushing for the girls field hockey team to be cut.

So. Your turn. What did you see? What do you know?
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Saturday, February 10th, 2018

My sister thought it would be cute to send me an obscene amount of chocolate, with a note saying that this is the first box of two. I am honestly impressed that she could even lift the box. I'm not entirely sure why people keep trying to feed me sweets, but I don't want them. If anyone wants some pre-Valentine's chocolate, you may come claim it. There are even a few heart shaped chocolate boxes that you can pretend you bought yourself when you regift it to your significant other.

And before anyone asks, no, I am not a fan of chocolate. Yes, I am well aware that it is weird. We all have something that everyone else enjoys that we don't.

In other news, I am incredibly grateful that I am not going to be dragged into speed dating.

The reason why she sent it early is because she made mint brownies because, and I quote, "you're too much of a shit to do something for your boyfriend even though he's too good for you. Give him these from me so at least he gets a Valentine's gift from one of the Porters." I suspect sometimes that she likes you more.
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Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

Local broadcast, a live stream. It seems like someone wants to make a big show out of this trial to try and prove they finally have their act together. I'm not sure I buy it, especially since no one has been charged with the murder itself.

So, Milton, how will you be watching?

We found the room, but it looked like they're no longer using it. All we found were some sketches by Hunter of a basketball stadium. Rowan has photos. I'm not sure how useful any of this is, but it's something.

I do want to tell the Chorus about the room, at least. At this point, I don't think it will hurt.

[chorus- added later]
I found the tri alpha lair. It was in a hidden 11th floor. I say 'was' because it looked deserted. The only thing there were sketches by Hunter of a basketball stadium; apparently he wanted to be an architect so presumably, he was the one behind trying to end the women's field hockey team.

[attached photos of the floor plans and sketches]
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Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Now that the Oscar nominations are out, what's worth seeing? Or, if you rather, what do you think will win?

Kody was right when she said we are being beaten by the Herald. We may not have the same resources as the police, but we could properly investigate the fraternity rumors. Earlier we discussed searching Alpine and tracking down the leaked names of former members. I say now is the perfect time to do it. There are enough of us that we could easily divide tasks and perhaps someone could find out something new.

Unless we would rather investigate the gang/drug connection.
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Saturday, December 30th, 2017

backdated to the 29th because I fail

There seems to be an absurd amount of us in and around New York. I somehow keep managing to run into other Milton students, most of whom I barely recognize. It's almost ridiculous. But, given that there are so many of us here and that many of us are still too young to legally drink, anyone in the area is welcome to come over for a small New Year's Eve party. My parents are out of town so I have the place to myself, and we are well stocked with champagne. I personally hate trying to face the throngs of tourists and overpriced restaurants and clubs on new years so I have zero intention of going out. If you feel the same, please join. We don't even have to watch the stupid ball drop.

What does everyone else have planned?
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Monday, December 18th, 2017

Today is my birthday. If anyone wants to give me a cigarette or a drink, I won't object.

So what new and ridiculous things do you think will happen while we are gone for break? Will the paper accuse the field hockey team of murder? Will the school create new rules to ban us entirely from entering dorms that aren't our own? Will that mysterious twitter account publish names of current members of this secret society? So many possibilities.

Thank you for the cookies. I didn't send any, but there are other ways I could make it up to you.

So I believe I will be at your Christmas party.

Will we ever be able to talk again?

[Swim team]
We should do a polar bear plunge once we are all back.
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Wednesday, December 6th, 2017

After weeks of being bombarded by campaign posters and self promotion over the journals, the debates are finally over and the election is upon us. Have you decided who you're voting for? Can you believe that video games were somehow deemed important enough to be discussed in an election debate? Or are you just entirely over the whole thing.

I know finals are approaching, but I do hope you aren't neglecting Dionysus. It would be tragic if you were wasting all your time studying and cramming.

[Rowan, Lucius]
So did your Thanksgiving investigation turn up anything?

I'm sorry Lucius was such a brat at the party this weekend.
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Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

So who do we think is in this secret fraternity? And do we really think this is the only secret society?
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