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[03 Mar 2018|07:10pm]
I didn't take any art classes this semester. I thought it'd be less stressful, but I've found I missed it. I think I'll make sure to set time aside to sketch on my own now, since I don't need to for a specific project. Has anyone else taken classes outside of their major and found they enjoyed it?


I looked into what information I could find on Rin. She was in Environmental Club with me last year, but I didn't have a conversation with her. Or, considering I woke up late in the school year, had any idea what was going on myths and power wise.

I found public Milton blog entries and other social media accounts she posted and found out:

1. She's the reincarnation of Tartarus. She can create a prison of darlkness around herself and others and anyone in it is invisible to the human eye.
2. She was in Dance Club and lacrosse in addition to Environmental Club
3. She graduated last year as a pre-vetmed major. I'm not sure where she is now, but I might be able to search more and find it.
4. She's disappeared off of public social media, as far as I can tell.

I reviewed my articles and noticed in this one she lies and states she didn't see him that night.

Thoughts? Her power would explain a lot, but we saw her leave the park on the security camera.
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